Home Forums WC Vendors Pro Support Featured Image in WC vendor Reply To: Featured Image in WC vendor



I moved this forum topic to the WC Vendors Pro forum, since it is a Pro question.
Are you seeing any errors when the vendor attempts to add an image?
This is usually one of these issues:
1. insecure SSL content. Install Really Simple SSL and run through the options to remove insecure content.
2. Plugin conflict. Deactivate all plugins except woocommerce, wc vendors and wc vendors pro and see if the uploader works.
3. theme conflict. switch (temporarily) to the Storefront theme and see if it works. https://wordpress.org/themes/storefront/

For the second question.. I do not understand. Are you saying that you would like the vendor to be redirected to the Pro Dashboard when they login? Are they being directed to the my-account url right now?