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For the image issue: please confirm with me..
1. can your vendor add am image using the Select File button if they use the FireFox browser?
2. Can they add an image if they use the DROP FILE option (drag and drop the image file rather than using the button)?
3. Can you, as admin, upload an image file using the Select File button while adding a product in admin? (wp admin > products > add product)
I found a bug and reported it while testing yesterday, and I wish to see if you are experiencing the same issue, or if yours is different.

For the redirect… you can use this code to redirect vendors to the Pro Dashboard instead of my-account. This would be placed in your theme/child theme functions.php file:

// WCV Pro Dashboard
    if (class_exists('WCV_Vendors') && class_exists('WCVendors_Pro') && WCV_Vendors::is_vendor( $user->id ) ) {
        $redirect_to = get_permalink(WCVendors_Pro::get_option( 'dashboard_page_id' ));
    return $redirect_to;