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You don’t’ have to move all of the templates- only the one or ones which you modify.
To ensure that you do not publish your vendors’ locations, you can do the following edit to your store-header.php file:
1. First, make a folder in your theme/child theme file called: wc-vendors
2. Make a folder within wc-vendors called: store
3. Go to your plugins > wcvendors-pro and find the store-header.php template. Here’s the path: wp-content/plugins/wcvendors-pro/templates/store/store-header.php
4. Copy that template and move it to the folder in your theme/child theme you just created: wp-content/themes/your-theme-or-child-theme/wc-vendors/store/storeheader.php
5. Make this edit:
Remove approx line 55, which looks like this:
$address = ( $address1 != '') ? $address1 .', ' . $city .', '. $state .', '. $store_postcode : '';

Save .