Home Forums WC Vendors Pro Support Currency when adding new product

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  • #28787

    Hi Ben

    Thanks for the updates, the order tab looks much better and much easier to understand. I also like that you have put the currency symbol prefixed when looking at orders and this cannot be changed even if someone tries to change currency if there is a currency plugin on the website. For example, on woocommerce I have put the default in euros then even if someone looks at the products in ยฃ, it will still not change on the orders page.

    What I was going to ask is that on the main dashboard for the vendors, I noticed that the currency does change for the products listed here, this is fine. But when adding a new product it also changes the currency, so when I try to add a product the currency symbol can be changed here and then the vendor will add it according to their home currency whereas on Vendors Pro, you can only input the total in the default currency of woocommerce that you have set. My question or request is whether the currency symbol can be fixed(as it is in the orders page) on the adding a new product page(this way it can avoid potential confusion)

    Hope all this makes sense!

    Many thanks!

    WC Vendors Support

    Could you show a few screenshots? We just use the WooCommerce currency symbol function to pull the symbol, it should remain standard across all pages.


    Hi Ben

    PLease see attached. At the moment, I have used the currency converter to change the figures to GBP(which clients will need on the shop page). In the woocommerce settings I have it set with euros and if someone checks out, they have to check out in euros.

    You can see that the orders page is the only one where it has remained in euros, the rest of the pages have changed to ยฃ. This is fine for all the pages except the page where one is adding a new product(or retreat) where it is imperative that it entered in euros otherwise things get mixed up and WC vendors pro does not have the facility to convert the price back into euros etc.



    WC Vendors Support

    That’s a bug in your currency converter plugin. Pro just uses whatever your WooCommerce base currency is. We cant control how the other third party plugin works.


    I am not sure whether it is a bug. It is not doing anything wrong so to speak, it is just converting the numbers to the currency requested. All I am requested is whether the currency symbol when adding products can be stick to the WooCommerce base currency or perhaps I could just delete the symbol from appearing and then insert the euro symbol instead?

    WC Vendors Support

    Well, in a nutshell, if it works perfectly without this currency plugin, we’ve done our job. ๐Ÿ™‚ Our add/edit product form always uses the WooCommerce base currency, unless some random weird plugin is overriding our functions or woocommerce core functions, which certainly sounds like it might be the case here.


    Sure but I imagine that users will want to use different currencies when viewing a product, so perhaps this is something that you might look at for future releases. ๐Ÿ™‚



    WC Vendors Support

    Understood! There’s a few dozen currency plugins, though, which then gets confusing as “which one to support”. And then of course, when it updates, and everything breaks, then jamie and I have to stop and spend time with that instead of other core feature building. It’s good but it sucks. ๐Ÿ™‚ If you can tell us any code that we would need to add/change in order to accommodate a specific plugin, then we can look at adding support for it as an option. We’ll let you do the heavy lifting on that, though, and report your findings whenever you have the time.

    Karen Thomas

    It would be amazing if there was a currency switcher plug in that integrated well with WCVendors pro.

    My Vendors are worldwide and they are not very happy at all about having to enter everything in UK pounds! Plus customers actually contact me to ask me to convert product prices for them!

    Would be great to get everyone’s feedback on the various currency switcher plug in’s they’ve used and if any will allow Vendors to add products in their shop country currency and also convert currency for customers to their country currency.

    It’s something that’s really going to stop my site growing and I’m sure there’s quite a few of us who don’t just have vendors from one country. Hope others join this thread….




    Hi there

    I am using “Woocommerce Currency switcher” and found it to be pretty good. https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-currency-switcher/

    I have seen other people on this forum mention it but I dont know how popular it is compared with other plugins.

    Ideally, it would be great for vendors to be able to enter the product prices in the currency of their choice but from what I can gather that sounds like a lot of complex coding and they probably have greater priorities at the moment. The middle way, is for customers to be able to see the prices of the products in the currency of their choice and then check out with that currency. This is what I have at the moment, but if vendors change the currency(for whatever reason), then when entering a product it gets confusing. I am just wondering whether when enter the price for a product I could just change the woocommerce base currency and insert a currency symbol, I have found the code I need to change(see below) but not sure where to insert and what to delete.

    WCVendors_Pro_Form_Helper::input( apply_filters( ‘wcv_product_price’, array(
    ‘post_id’ => $post_id,
    ‘id’ => ‘_regular_price’,
    ‘label’ => __( ‘Regular Price’, ‘wcvendors-pro’ ) . ‘ (‘ . get_woocommerce_currency_symbol() . ‘)’,
    ‘data_type’ => ‘price’,
    ‘wrapper_start’ => $wrapper_start,
    ‘wrapper_end’ => ‘</div>’,
    ‘custom_attributes’ => array(
    ‘data-rules’ => ‘decimal’,
    ‘data-error’ => __( ‘Price should be a number.’, ‘wcvendors-pro’ )

    ) )

    * Output product sale price
    * @since 1.0.0
    * @param int $post_id post_id for this meta if any
    public static function sale_price( $post_id ) {

    if ( ! self::$general_options[ ‘price’ ] && ! self::$general_options[ ‘sale_price’ ] ) {

    // Special Price – ends columns and row
    WCVendors_Pro_Form_Helper::input( apply_filters( ‘wcv_product_sale_price’, array(
    ‘post_id’ => $post_id,
    ‘id’ => ‘_sale_price’,
    ‘data_type’ => ‘price’,
    ‘label’ => __( ‘Sale Price’, ‘wcvendors-pro’ ) . ‘ (‘.get_woocommerce_currency_symbol().’)’,
    ‘desc_tip’ => ‘true’,
    ‘description’ => ‘‘ . __( ‘Schedule’, ‘wcvendors-pro’ ) . ‘‘,
    ‘wrapper_start’ => ‘<div class=”all-50 small-100″>’,
    ‘wrapper_end’ => ‘</div></div>’,
    ‘custom_attributes’ => array(
    ‘data-rules’ => ‘decimal’,
    ‘data-error’ => __( ‘Sale price should be a number.’, ‘wcvendors-pro’ )

    Interested to hear what other people have used as a currency converter?


    I have the same problem with currency switcher and I’m using the same currency plugin, but I must disappoint you all ๐Ÿ™

    I have been speaking with lots of developers and developer of Aelia currency plugin (Diego). He examined the whole website with WCVendors and it is very uncertain if it’s doable at all and if it would be, the price is 15-20 times more expensive then the WCVendors plugin itself ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Looks like we will have to agitate Woocommerce developer to cover the multicurrency feature ๐Ÿ˜€

    Karen Thomas

    Sad Faces..

    :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

    WC Vendors Support

    I doubt you’ll ever see this as a core WooCommerce feature. They like to give you the basics, and buy plugins for the rest.


    Hi Ben

    In the meantime, if I wanted to stop Wc Vendors getting the symbol of the woocommerce with this code:

    โ€˜labelโ€™ => __( โ€˜Sale Priceโ€™, โ€˜wcvendors-proโ€™ ) . โ€˜ (โ€˜.get_woocommerce_currency_symbol().โ€™)โ€™,
    โ€˜desc_tipโ€™ => โ€˜trueโ€™,

    How do I change it so there is no currency prefixed. I tried deleting the (โ€˜.get_woocommerce_currency_symbol().โ€™)โ€™, part but it broke the site?


    WC Vendors Support

    'label' => __( 'Sale Price', 'wcvendors-pro' ), should do the trick.


    Thanks Ben ๐Ÿ™‚

    Karen Thomas

    Hiya I’m now using the WooCommerce Currency Switcher Plug In and all is working fine apart from confusing Vendors by having the Dollar symbol on their product edit page when adding/editing products (if their country currency is dollars).

    How do I change fix the currency symbol to my shop currency which is GB pounds please – I can see the code above but not sure what to put where?

    Many thanks,


    WC Vendors Support

    No idea, that’s the currency plugin breaking things by overriding WooCommerce core functions. Wouldnt even know where to start to offer help on this one. Check with them! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Karen Thomas

    Hi @robhorsfall – have you got round this? I’m not sure the plug in developer will help, as it appears as my shop currency (ยฃ’s) in wp-admin when adding products – it’s only in the WCVendors Product Edit form it’s showing in the vendors country currency.

    Many thanks,



    Hi Karen

    No worries, you just need to go to the /wp-content/plugins/wc-vendors-pro/public/forms/class-wcvendors-pro-product-form.php

    Then search for “currency” and delete the line and change to ‘label’ => __( ‘Sale Price (ยฃ)’, ‘wcvendors-pro’ ),

    and the same with ‘label’ => __( ‘Regular Price (ยฃ)’, ‘wcvendors-pro’ ),

    But remember you will need to do this every time you update the plugin

    Rob ๐Ÿ™‚

    Karen Thomas

    THANK YOU SO MUCH @robhorsfall
    You’re a star!! ๐Ÿ˜€


    Karen Thomas

    Hi there,
    We are gathering up people who may be interested in allowing their international Vendors to enter product prices and shipping in their own countries currency. We’re hoping if there is enough of us interested, a currency plug in developer will work with Ben and Jamie to develop this functionality.
    If this is something that interests you, please post a ‘I’m interested’ in this forum post:

    Many thanks,


    Diego here again. Thanks @conscious-crafties for the initiative of promoting multi-currency support for WC Vendors. I feel a bit silly re-posting the same stuff in multiple places, so I thought I will just leave a link, so that interested parties can see the discussion: WC Vendors and multiple currencies – The status so far, and why it might take a while to have such feature implemented.

    Karen Thomas

    THANK YOU SO MUCH @aelia!

    Let’s all move over to that thread ๐Ÿ™‚

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