Home Forums WC Vendors Free Support Vendors details in order_details_customer.php

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  • #11693

    How I can get and display data of the seller of the order. These data are necessary for the buyer.
    In the file ‘order_details customer.php’ and made a place to put these data.

    If the purchase was made more than a vendor, I can get all the data?


    WC Vendors Support

    Hi CriterioNet,

    Basically, query the order ID for all the data and then do with that what you wish! 🙂






    I need the id of the author of the product (the seller). I think WC_Order not provide that information.

    I can display data vendor, but applying the user ID manually.

    This is my code:

    $vendor_id = 29; // <- how get the id ?
    	$vendor_data = get_userdata( $vendor_id );
    	$vendor_email = $vendor_data->user_email;
      	$vendor_name = WCV_Vendors::is_vendor( $vendor_id ) ? sprintf( WCV_Vendors::get_vendor_sold_by( $vendor_id ) ): get_bloginfo( 'name' );
    	$vendor_phone =  get_user_meta($vendor_id, 'billing_phone', true);
    	$vendor_details = $vendor_name . '<br> Email: ' . $vendor_email . '<br> Teléfono: ' .$vendor_phone;
    	echo $vendor_details;
    WC Vendors Support

    If you know the product ID, get the post_author for the product ID, and that is your $vendor_id

    Something like $vendor_id = get_post_meta( $product_id, ‘post_author’, true );


    If another need this, so I did:

    copy template (yourtheme/woocommerce/order/order_details.php)

    in order_details.php changue las line:
    wc_get_template( 'order/order-details-customer.php', array( 'order' => $order, 'item' => $item ) );

    in order-details-customer.php add:

    <!-- datos del vendedor -->
    <div class="col-2">

    <h2><?php _e( 'Vendor Details', 'woocommerce' ); ?></h2>

    <?php foreach( $order->get_items() as $item_id => $item ) { ?>

    $product_name = $item['name'];
    $product_id = $item['product_id'];
    $vendor_id = get_post_field( 'post_author', $product_id );
    $vendor_data = get_userdata( $vendor_id );
    $vendor_email = $vendor_data->user_email;
    $vendor_name = WCV_Vendors::is_vendor( $vendor_id ) ? sprintf( WCV_Vendors::get_vendor_sold_by( $vendor_id ) ): get_bloginfo( 'name' );
    $vendor_phone = get_user_meta($vendor_id, 'billing_phone', true);
    $vendor_details = ' Producto: ' . $product_name . ' <br> Artesano: '.$vendor_name . '<br> Email: ' . $vendor_email . '<br> Teléfono: ' .$vendor_phone;
    echo $vendor_details;
    <?php } ?>

    <!-- /datos del vendedor -->

    If there are several products on the order are displayed correctly identifying the vendor by the name of the product.

    Thanks Ben for your help!

    WC Vendors Support

    Very nice! You’re hired. 🙂


    Hello @ben, I think the billing_phone variable has been lost

    $vendor_phone = get_user_meta($vendor_id, 'billing_phone', true);

    Now I would like to change and get the phone they enter in the store settings. What is the value you have to add?

    WC Vendors Support

    _wcv_store_phone is the meta key for the vendors profile store phone. billing_phone is a WooCommerce order meta key.

    Karol Salinas

    Hello!! I tried to put the code directly into the email template (into the WordPress dashboard → Woocommerce → Emails) and it works!
    I have new field with the last CriterioNet code: Add BuddyPress Profile (and hide Phone).
    $profile_url = bp_core_get_user_domain ( $vendor_id );
    and this:
    '<br> Perfil: <a href="'. $profile_url .'">Contactar</a>'

    So, the final code looks:

    <!-- datos del vendedor -->
    get_items() as $item_id => $item ) { ?>
    $vendor_name = WCV_Vendors::is_vendor( $vendor_id ) ? sprintf( WCV_Vendors::get_vendor_sold_by( $vendor_id ) ): get_bloginfo( 'name' );
    $profile_url =          bp_core_get_user_domain ( $vendor_id );
    $vendor_phone = get_user_meta($vendor_id, '_wcv_store_phone', true);
    $vendor_details = ' Producto: ' . $product_name . '  Vendedor: '.$vendor_name . ' Email: ' . $vendor_email . ' Perfil: <a href="'. $profile_url .'">Contactar</a>';
    echo $vendor_details;
    <!-- /datos del vendedor -->

    Good luck!
    Karol Salinas.

    patrick mark

    is there a way i can get meta data with a product and the vendor that sells it as an array from the cart page to use in function .php.

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