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  5. How to Enable Vendor to Upgrade/Downgrade Membership Plan?
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  3. WC Vendors Memberships
  4. How to Enable Vendor to Upgrade/Downgrade Membership Plan?

How to Enable Vendor to Upgrade/Downgrade Membership Plan?

Please note

The screenshots below are from WooCoommerce Subscriptions 2.6.1 and above

By default, vendors can’t change their plan unless they cancel it and sign up for a new one. This article explains how to support upgrading/downgrading membership plans.

Enable Subscription switching

The first step we need to do is enable Subscription switching. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Subscription and change the settings as follows:

Creating a Membership Grouped product

After you enable Subscription switching, you need to create a group product and add your membership product to it.

  1. Go to Products > Add New
  2. Pick any title of your choice, “Membership plans” for example.
  3. Change the visibility to Hidden.
  4. Change Product Type to the Grouped Product
  5. Click on the Linked Products tab, add membership products you created in the Grouped Product field
  6. Publish/Update your product to enable membership downgrade/upgrade.
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