WC Vendors Changelog

Thank you for using WC Vendors! We take our development and compatibility with the broader WooCommerce ecosystem seriously and aim to be a plugin you can rely on to run your marketplace with confidence. The changelog for each of our plugins is below.

Not a WC Vendors customer yet? Get a great deal on WC Vendors via our pricing page.

Version – 14th October 2024

  • Bug Fix: Cannot enter date ranges on the vendor dashboard

Version 1.9.3 – 17th September 2024

  • Feature: Pagination for the commission page on the Vendor Dashboard
  • Improvement: Add an option to change the format on the dashboard date range
  • Bug fix: Shipping fee with a decimal set on the product level is rounded down
  • Bug Fix: Missing a shipping fee settings on WP admin
  • Bug Fix: Redirect vendor after login
  • Bug Fix: Maximum Flat Rate Shipping does not work at the product level
  • Bug Fix: Refunded order status on the dashboard is not updated
  • Bug Fix: Product SKUs are not added to the product data when importing products via Vendor Pro Dashboard
  • Bug Fix: Notice: Function WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT::query was called incorrectly
  • Bug Fix: Shipping label doesn’t work on orders that have variable products imported via admin dashboard

Version – 6th September 2024

  • Bug Fix: Cannot update store website URL via Vendor Dashboard

Version 1.9.2 – 29th August 2024

  • Feature: Migrate Pro Dashboard to WC Vendors Marketplace
  • Improvement: Switch bold tag to closing tag in the order actions
  • Improvement: Improve visibility for the media filter dropdown
  • Bug Fix: Remove the duplicated vendor store description under the header
  • Bug Fix: [Compatibility Issue with Contest Gallery PRO] Disk usage limit on WC Vendors Pro affecting the users uploading to a Contest Gallery PRO
  • Bug Fix: Product commission: Incorrect commission when the product has a fixed fee commission type
  • Bug Fix: Sales by Product: Incorrect commission when choosing to process commission after the coupon has been applied to the price
  • Bug Fix: Coupon discount is applied on excluded products
  • Bug Fix: Maximum and Minimum Flat Rate Limits not working at the vendor level if the marketplace is using table rate shipping
  • Bug Fix: Free shipping threshold doesn’t work when the “Charge once per product even if more than one is purchased” option in enabled
  • Bug Fix: The product price commission type: Incorrect commission when having multiple products on the order
  • Bug Fix: The commission amount is incorrect when the commission tiers use the fixed fee type on multiple products
  • Bug Fix: Gets fatal error when updating the product with total sales commission
  • Bug Fix: Sales by Vendor: Incorrect commission calculation when there are more than 2 tier structures
  • Bug Fix: Commission Percentage type: Incorrect commission calculation after applying coupon to multiple products
  • Bug Fix: HTML Mark-up Visible in Mobile View of View Order Details Modal
  • Bug Fix: Hiding phone field in store settings does not hide it on the store page
  • Bug Fix: Orders Table Actions Settings Working in Reverse Logic

Version 1.9.1 – 27th May 2024

  • Improvement: Coupon action before for Marketplace coupon
  • Improvement: Only one ‘Mark Received’ button appears on the order with multiple products
  • Bug Fix: Sales by Vendor commission issues
  • Bug Fix: Clicking on Add Product button on the product edit page multiple times, will create duplicate products
  • Bug Fix: Google Maps Integration Not Working
  • Bug Fix: Commission on the order detail popup is not showing correctly
  • Bug Fix: Shipping not given to vendors
  • Bug Fix: The Sidebar is indented below after fixing the bottom issue
  • Bug Fix: Pro Dashboard incorporating the footer into its HTML in block themes when vertical navigation is enabled
  • Bug Fix: Newly vendor gets inactive store

Version 1.9.0 – 4th April 2024

  • Feature: Implement new license manager and license page settings
  • Bug fix: The vacation message is not displayed on the vendor store
  • Bug Fix: Store Description For Header Not Wrapping In Div
  • Bug Fix: The Country shipping rate is not saved in the product edit screen
  • Bug Fix: Store Social Icons Not Linking to Social Pages
  • Bug Fix: Product Category Commission Not Being Saved
  • Bug Fix: Vendor rating is not working properly
  • Bug Fix: Min and Max Shipping Charge per order HTML not rendered on the product page
  • Bug Fix: Country Table Rate Shipping Not Being Rendered Properly
  • Bug Fix: Single Product Tools does not show

Version – 23rd February 2024

  • Bug Fix: Correct the plugin folder name

Version 1.8.9 – 22nd February 2024

  • Feature: Allow vendors to sort their orders by order status
  • Improvement: Surface new preferred payment method setting on the Pro dashboard
  • Bug Fix: Pro Dashboard reports are not showing on some installs after upgrading to 1.8.8
  • Bug Fix: The tax calculation on the orders dashboard is incorrect when there are products from different vendors

Version 1.8.8 – 31st January 2024

  • Feature: Declare incompatible with WC Cart/Checkout blocks
  • Feature: Export commission option
  • Feature: Implement HPOS compatibility
  • Improvement: Shows the registration form for manual approval
  • Improvement: Hide the section product table actions if no product
  • Bug Fix: Commission line adding tax twice
  • Bug Fix: Duplicate store vacation message
  • Bug Fix: Fatal error while updating user profile
  • Bug Fix: PHP warning when visiting product without Shipping data
  • Bug Fix: Product Editor is changing the decimal separator
  • Bug Fix: Product editor allows a second attribute while loading
  • Bug Fix: Shipping level calculation and vendor shipping tax
  • Bug Fix: Undefine constant wcv_assets_url
  • Bug Fix: Undefined constant wcv_assets_url
  • Bug Fix: Vendor revenue report
  • Bug Fix: Weird behaviors for the product data tabs
  • Bug Fix: warning wp_strip_all_tags on edit coupon screen

Version – 15th September 2023

  • * Fixed: Wrong add coupon URL (#1791)
  • * Fixed: WooCommerce’s registration form does not redirect to the application form (#1788)

Version – 26th June 2023

  • * Fixed: PHP Fatal Error when applying as a vendor via the vendor application form (#1772)
  • * Fixed: Application Form always show (#1769)
  • * Fixed: Blank order status and customer values on the order editor (backend) (#1773)

Version – 21st June 2023

* Fixed: Registration redirect (#1766)
* Fixed: Assign coupon author (#1765)
* Added: Initialize Cypress automation (#1763)

Version 1.8.7 – 9th June 2023

* Added: Commit built JS and CSS files and remove images from build process (#1748)
* Added: Convert widget to Gutenberg blocks (#1735)
* Added: Marks plugin HPOS Incompatible (#1743)
* Added: Pagination for Orders table in Pro Dashboard (#1749)
* Added: Re-sync tool for ratings (#1753)
* Added: SEO Compatibility (#1758)
* Added: Shipment Tracking fields within the Admin’s dashboard (#1752)
* Fixed: Gross report is showing marketplace’s entire revenue instead of just the vendor’s revenue (#1744)
* Fixed: PHP 8.1 warning (#1741)
* Fixed: Partial Refunded Orders Recalculation not occurring (#1747)
* Fixed: Incorrect naming on opening hours hook (#1740)
* Removed: Circle CI (#1731)
* Updated: Github templates (#1730)
* Updated: PHPCS rules for WC Vendors Pro (#1728)
* Updated: Upgrade dev dependencies to be compatible with node 18 (#1746)

Version 1.8.6 – 31st March 2023

* Fixed: Taxes display incorrect on the order details (#1725)
* Fixed: Author drop down title overridden on post’s page.
* Fixed: Before Coupon Action not deducting from vendors’ commission (#1721)
* Fixed: Elementor global styles not working with ratings page (#1720)
* Fixed: Marketplace Coupons not working (#1700)
* Fixed: Bulk editing products from WordPress dashboard changes the assigned vendors #1703
* Fixed: All coupon authors being assigned to admin
* Fixed: Global commission bug (#1714)
* Fixed: Vendors dropdown conflict with marketplace (#1712)
* Added: New actions to store headers for hooking into various sections.
* Added: Coupons author checking tool
* Updated: Sentence case for tools screen.

Version 1.8.5 – 16th September 2022

* Added: Mark received button on order list mark the order received for all vendors
* Added: Creating Coupons for specific Vendors as Admin #1692
* Fixed: Everywhere Else option was removed from shipping (#1689)
* Fixed: Disk usage and file count are not being updated when files of the user are deleted or added
* Fixed: Unable to create virtual products when dimensions are required
* Fixed: Product form field wrong place
* Fixed: The email reminder scheduling does not work
* Fixed: Order Notification for the vendor does not include the coupon discount

Templates Updated

Version 1.8.4 – 22nd July 2022

* Added: Automatically complete shipped orders (#1664)
* Added: Option to mark all items shipped if the order is marked completed (#1665)
* Added: Dutch translations thanks Eric! (#1678)
* Added: Avatar sources for new vendors list (#1668)
* Added: Gross report in dashboard
* Added: Options to disable product reports feature
* Added: PayPal Payouts web fields
* Updated: Product reports (#1676)
* Fixed: Add Product Button still working while Submit Products option is disabled(#1675)
* Fixed: Category commissions not working correctly on sub categories. (#1657)
* Fixed: WooCommerce shipping check incorrect #1633 (#1634)
* Fixed: Shipping given to vendor of second item on the cart if shipping is being given to the vendor of the first item

Templates Updated:

Version 1.8.3 – 1st June 2022

* Added: Additional before actions for products, coupons and settings. #1622
* Added: Report Product feature (#1077)
* Added: Add SEO and Advanced option at the Basic section in the Product Form setting (#1600)
* Fixed: Recalculate Commissions fires on admin products (#1601)
* Fixed: In featured image upload, attachment details are not accessible #1420
* Fixed: Incorrect text-domain #1650
* Fixed: Unable to add tracking number for the PostNL Shipping Provider #1646
* Fixed: Warning on the vendor store page #1641
* Fixed: Shipping fee is given to vendors not canceled upon manual refund #1645

Version 1.8.2 – 7th March 2022

* Added: Remove shipping rows from commissions on reports table when shipping is disabled. #1612 (#1616)
* Updated: Added extra validation checks in object controllers (#1623)
* Update: Remove show/hide reversed orders option (#1618)
* Fixed: shipping_level notice on cart page (#1625)
* Fixed: Vendors cannot add external downloadable links #1627 (#1628)
* Fixed: Cannot give Product level shipping to vendors #1626 (#1629)
* Fixed: Deprecated Warning on commissions table (#1620)
* Fixed: Shipping level notice (#1615)

Version 1.8.1 – 17th January 2022

* Added: Ability to show refund details in Orders Table (#1613)
* Added: Required options for the Shipping Fields #1591 (#1606)
* Fixed: Edit user product shipping region/country issue (#1605)
* Fixed: PHP warning on edit screen
* Updated: Change how the “State/County” field is displayed on the store header #1505 (#1592)

Version 1.8.0 – 30th November 2021

* Added: Allow regions in shipping (#1575)
* Added: Filter hooks to change columns and rows on the Pro Dashboard tables #1588 (#1589)
* Added: Weight, Dimensions and Shipping class from add-edit product form to fields that can be hidden #1582 (#1583)
* Added: Product import export for vendors (#1546)
* Added: Actions to templates for easily hooking into the main dashboard templates (#1580)
* Added: An option for “Mark Received” enable/disable in settings #1518 (#1569)
* Added: Filter to allow mark received to be used for digital products. #1455 (#1572)
* Added: Everywhere else option in country rate shipping table. (#1559)
* Added: Advanced tab on product edit #1460 (#1549)
* Added: Flat rate shipping system for min/max/free shipping charges to apply correctly to national & International rates. (#1578)
* Updated: Changed WooCommerce action for single product header. (#1574)
* Updated: Enable weight and dimensions while shipping disabled. #1440 (#1567)
* Updated: Disable Fixed Cart discounts for global coupons #1108 (#1537)
* Fixed: Hide Everywhere Else option when ship to specific countries only (#1590)
* Fixed: PHP Warning related to flat rate updates (#1598)
* Fixed: Variable product stock value saving as float (#1596)
* Fixed: Star ratings function sometimes does not work #1581 (#1584)
* Fixed: Mark received should also update shipped for the order. #1566 (#1568)
* Fixed: Partial Refund does not reverse commission #1107 (#1547)
* Fixed: Free Shipping Order/Product Field does not work #1551 (#1563)
* Fixed: Shipping provider dropdown width
* Fixed: Change date picker date format. (#1565)
* Fixed: Lock vendor from add or editing products should deny access to the urls directly #1419 (#1560)
* Fixed: Country Table Rate Shipping not display when value is 0 #1584 (#1562)

* Templates updated

Version 1.7.10 – 4th August 2021

* Added: Allow Vendors to add Google Analytics Tracking Code #1523 (#1534)
* Added: Ability to add custom page to the dashboard (#1517)
* Added: Filter for order status on delivery mark order received check
* Added: Tax fields to Simple and Download product edit templates #1499
* Added: New filter wcvendors_hide_reversed_orders to show reversed orders on order table #1539 (#1540)
* Updated: Require WC Vendors Marketplace v2.3.0 and above (#1553)
* Updated: Add link in the order number redirecting to /pro-dashboard/orders page #1222
* Updated: Add filter on get_orders2 method
* Updated: PHP8 method access for license client
* Updated: Page body class is not loading for 404 pages #1501
* Updated: DHL US tracking link
* Updated: Re-added theme support option to settings
* Updated: WC Vendors Marketplace action and filter calls to new standard #1521 (#1532)
* Updated: Added support for custom taxonomies to checklist walker
* Fixed: Datepicker system
* Fixed: Date Picker Translation – Strings for the desktop does not translate #1492
* Fixed: Super Admin be redirect to the My Account page #1556 (#1557)
* Fixed: Free Shipping is not triggered when charge once per product is enabled #1508
* Fixed: Sales by Vendor Commission settings “Add Row” Not Working When Language is Not English #1509 (#1536)
* Fixed: Add a filter to the SQL default sort newest first #1468 (#1529)
* Fixed: Capabilities check on wcv_terms_checklist() form helper method
* Fixed: The SEO meta title is outputting twice #1524 (#1525)
* Fixed: The response is not a valid JSON response when add or update Ratings page #1522 (#1526)
* Fixed: Missing icons in SVG
* Fixed: WC Vendor ratings displaying an unusual link (#1504)
* Fixed: Add Work hours button not visible in Opening Hours Section #1511
* Fixed: Location Picker support for different address formats #1506 (#1535)

* Templates updated

Version 1.7.9 – 6th April 2021

* Added: filter for current page in dashboard check
* Added: Extra check for body classes
* Added: Option to not use vendor shipping rates on product shipping settings (#1496)
* Updated: Make order total breakdown easier to read #1387
* Updated: Latest packages
* Updated: Update Shipment tracking providers #1476 (#1482)
* Updated: SVG icon file to reduce file size (#1490)
* Updated: UI Fixes (#1489)
* Fixed: Commission calculation for Percentage + fee + coupon action after #1445 (#1478)
* Fixed: Vendor shipped email not firing correctly
* Fixed: Product field strings not translatable (#1494)
* Fixed: Google maps resetting address on page load #1472 (#1493)
* Fixed: Policies not being updated from user edit screen in wp-admin #1487 (#1491)
* Fixed: Download hashes not generating correctly (#1486)
* Fixed: Date picker reverts to current date. List of orders still generated correctly. #1470 (#1479)
* Fixed: Commission Percentage + Fee deducts the fee once when product quantity is more than 1 #1474 (#1480)
* Fixed: Line breaks are ignored on the message sent through the WC Vendors Pro – Contact Store widget. #1467 (#1477)
* Fixed: Linked Products – Up-sells value can’t be deleted (#1473)

* Templates updated

Version 1.7.8 – 23rd February 2021

* Added: Add link in the order number in vendor email notification to the pro dashboard
* Added: Add filter to policies tab and fix casing
* Updated: PHP8 compatibility (#1465)
* Updated: Removed admin notice in vendor dashboard for shipping fields. (#1446)
* Updated: Commissions with 100% coupon (#1430)
* Updated: Adjusted order controller references order numbers for sequential order plugins (#1423)
* Updated: Properly initialize date picker on date shipped field (#1427)
* Fixed: WC Vendors Pro return incorrect coupon when a discount from WooRewards is applied #1461 (#1464)
* Fixed: Flat rate shipping fields missing on the product edit screen in WP Admin. #1456 (#1462)
* Fixed: When vendor rating’s settings start all vendor at 5 star rating is active, it does not display the stars in the header #1390
* Fixed: Deleted products causing error on ratings list (#1453)
* Fixed: Typo on the default error message on enabling the vacation mode – “currently” is displayed as “currency” #1441 (#1447)
* Fixed: Do not validate downloads on non downloadable products (#1442)
* Fixed: Date filter displaying incorrect years #1443 (#1444)
* Fixed: Coupons does not work on vendor products if the coupon has a usage limit of “minimum amount spent” #1432 (#1438)
* Fixed: Flat rate product level shipping disables wrong fields #1414 (#1439)
* Fixed: WC Vendors Pro Recent Product Widget displaying pending products #1421 (#1431)
* Fixed: Review count on single product page

* Templates updated

Version 1.7.7 – 4th November 2020

* Added: An option to turn off HTML editor for the Settings >> Store notice #1347 (#1399)
* Updated: Adjusted how media is counted to fix comment box showing on dashboard page #1401
* Updated: Disabling WooCommerce shipping should disable shipping in all areas of pro #1161 (#1394)
* Updated: Hide an order on the vendor dashboard if the commission is $0.00 #1256 (#1369)
* Updated: Pro Vendor list containers issue – The store description and icon does not respond accordingly in mobile/smaller views #1352 (#1370)
* Updated: Orders Action’s Tracking number feature – No validation for the Tracking number field #1351 (#1373)
* Updated: Tested to WC & WP Version
* Updated: Removed old shipping fields from registration form (#1412)
* Updated: Refactor coupon form (#1410)
* Fixed: Coupon minimum and maximum applying to whole order #1392 (#1411)
* Fixed: Deleted products showing incorrect product title (#1408)
* Fixed: Product handling fees not applying correctly #1366
* Fixed: Form still submits with required attribute still empty #1395
* Fixed: Vendor list pro shortcode – order by parameter gets ignored in the search results if user were to use the WC Vendors Pro Vendor search widget #1251 (#1400)
* Fixed: WC Vendor Pro causing WooCommerce Bookings to invalidate all costs fields #1380
* Fixed: Single product shipping panel information (#1397)
* Fixed: Store banner defaults to random image instead of using the one set by the admin #1384 (#1385)
* Fixed: Orders action’s tracking number feature – Some tracking companies listed in our tracking feature does not provide the tracking link #1350 (#1375)
* Fixed: Hide Attribute #1296 (#1379)
* Fixed: Plugin loading issue (#1389)

* Templates updated

Version 1.7.6 – 29th September 2020

* Added: Add WC Vendors Menu items to Appearance > Menu #1262
* Added: Hide variations if attributes hidden #929
* Added: WC Vendors Pro Contact Store – add an option to mark fields as required #1279
* Added: Add Theme Support for GeneratePress #1271
* Added: Body CSS classes to all WC Vendors pages #1265
* Updated: Update shipping panel to only output when their are shipping values for each section #1238
* Updated: Set a default for the shipping system if the settings are not saved #1332
* Updated: Product level shipping max/free needs to be moved into national/international #1316
* Updated: WC Vendors Star rating – Hover effect/animation #1319
* Updated: WC Vendors Shipment Tracking – enable to just put the tracking number in the note below the URL. #1326
* Updated: PHP Deprecated Unparenthesized in Form Helper #1336
* Updated: Replace datetimepicker with another library #1191
* Updated: Allow the product full prices to be shown on the order table #1225
* Updated: The date format in the “recent products” widget and the order filter input not WordPress standard #1270
* Updated: How our field names are displayed from a professional perspective. #1288
* Updated: Remove the mark received notification trigger once a vendor has marked the order as shipped #1274
* Fixed: Translated strings not showing up correctly on the frontend #1266
* Fixed: CSV Export – User details not fetched when product type is Virtual Product #1210
* Fixed: Vendor file count limit – affecting administrator area #1264
* Fixed: No error message when attributes tab is set as required when combined as required with other fields #1349
* Fixed: Product form option – stock status as required causing the product changes not to be saved #1358
* Fixed: Pro – Orders dashboard uses the universal time instead of the local time #1359

* Templates updated

Version 1.7.5 – 11th August 2020

* Added: Save product redirect to redirect to the specific page where the saved product is displayed #1073
* Added: Commission in dashboard product overview #1086
* Added: Theme support for Astra #1257 (#1287)
* Added: Clean up ratings table when product deleted #962
* Added: Postcode to display in the shipping section on the single product page (#1280)
* Added: New wcv_vendor shortcode (#1259)
* Added: Spans and filter around product status column data (#1254)
* Added: Setting to disable pro registration system #1317
* Updated: Social media settings form cannot be filtered #1309
* Updated: All get_option commands should have defaults #1190
* Updated: Option to restrict vendor roles from wp-admin instead of only allow administrator
* Fixed: Terms and conditions setting not working (#1338)
* Fixed: Error on shipping label using incorrect order date method (#1333)
* Fixed: Widget notice label missing
* Fixed: Adding HTML iframe code on the vendor add product form would not save #1255 (#1305)
* Fixed: Linked Products tab is still visible on the Pro dashboard even though the Upsells / Cross sells fields are hidden #1233
* Fixed: Vendor order status “received” for the specific vendor not marked #1269
* Fixed: Export order columns bug #1272
* Fixed: Coupon action after commission issue with 2 or more qty of product #1141
* Fixed: Shipping options in form settings not applying in frontend #1282
* Fixed: Vendor Shipping values not saving at vendor level #1278
* Fixed: User edit screen not using wp_editor for HTML enabled fields #1089 (#1289)
* Fixed: Telegram option is invisible in the backend, making the option to be … (#1281)
* Fixed: Make the flat rate options match for national and international
* Fixed: Order ID output incorrect when using sequential order number plugins
* Fixed: Span not closed in product status column
* Fixed: Commission calculations on variable products with 100% coupon incorrect (#1323)
* Fixed: Vendor search pagination layout error. #1268

* Templates Updated

Version 1.7.4 – 8th April 2020

* Added: Tags limit for products #1050 (#1244)
* Added: CSS IDs to dashboard menu (#1232)
* Added: Option to use billing address if shipping address is empty. (#1218)
* Updated: Tested to WooCommerce 4.0.1 and WordPress 5.4
* Updated: Moved actions to fix loading issues
* Updated: Added extra check in dashboard asset loading
* Updated: Allow empty vacation message, use default vacation message. (#1243)
* Updated: Add address columns to vendor order export. (#1240)
* Updated: Remove redundant shipping fields #1234
* Fixed: Opening hour saving issue #946 (#1245)
* Fixed: Vendor’s list actions outputting incorrectly. (#1250)
* Fixed: Delete icon on product gallery images missing when editing product (#1242)
* Fixed: Some strings are not translatable #1146 (#1241)
* Fixed: Move function out of filter. (#1249)
* Fixed: Error message that overlaps with label in media uploader (#1239)
* Fixed: Performance issue on main vendor dashboard #1229 (#1230)
* Fixed: vendor search query (#1236)
* Fixed: meta_query meta key search values
* Fixed: PHP warning on setup wizard
* Fixed: Display store url used in Facebook opengraph (#1219)
* Fixed: Product shipipng tab notices
* Fixed: Product attribute terms custom ordering (#1216)

Version 1.7.3 – 6th February 2020

* Added: Confirmation when mark order shipped (#1188)
* Added: target css classes for product and coupon tables (#1203)
* Added: Reset default store banner #1111 (#1189)
* Updated: Removed unused code that was moved to marketplace
* Updated: Check Sold Individually by default if required. (#1187)
* Update: Deprecate show_products and replace with has_products in vendor list shortcode (#1184)
* Updated: Updated actions in settings and signup forms (#1169)
* Fixed: Fixed Commission not using quantity #1211 (#1212)
* Fixed: Performance issue on large stores #1147 (#1208)
* Fixed: Default value on get_option for category
* Fixed: Namespace mobile CSS classes. #1201
* Fixed: Google Maps US addresses not formatted correctly. #1198
* Fixed: New shipping settings does not display on the shipping tab. #1193
* Fixed: Undefined index on product page for 3rd party integrations (#1205)
* Fixed: Recalculate order status issue (#1196)
* Fixed: Save commission type in wizard. (#1197)
* Fixed: Free shipping setting on the store, product and vendor level would not be applied (#1199)
* Fixed: Description for company blog / url
* Fixed: Missing default value for get_option
* Fixed: Undefined index errors on shipping tabs
* Fixed: Store Categories Widget generating wrong URL from single product page #1179 (#1183)
* Fixed: Link to correct doc article (#1185)
* Fixed: Order Note capabilities. (#1182)
* Fixed: Product Min type error on Products list dashboard page. #1180 (#1181)
* Fixed: Duplicated behavior filter #1175 (#1176)
* Fixed: Disabling Delete product capability doesn’t disable single product tools #1172 (#1173)

Version 1.7.2 – 12th December 2019

* Added: Filter wcv_ratings_my_account_my_orders_actions
* Fixed: Store icon and Store banner can’t be removed from the Vendor Pro dashboard #1157 (#1158)

Version 1.7.1 – 6th December 2019

* Fixed: Infinite loop caused by #1124

Version 1.7.0 – 6th December 2019

* Added: Allow customers to mark order received #895
* Added: Max shipping for international and national #561
* Added: Add Telegram to social media #1113 (#1119)
* Added: Support for Variation swatches for WooCommerce #1126
* Added: wcv_vendor_total_ratings shortcode
* Added: New option to change loading priority for the single product header
* Added: Filter arguments for shipping from
* Update: pass shipping costs through wcvendors_shipping_due #1124
* Updated: Enhance the shipping label and packaging list #907 (#1120)
* Updated: removed debug code
* Updated: Settings wording to make it clearer
* Updated: Adjusted quick links styles
* Updated: Added extra checks for dashboard styles and scripts
* Updated: Moved import/export into free
* Fixed: Re-calculate commission creates duplicate commissions #1109
* Fixed: Recalculate commissions for incorrect order status’s #1110
* Fixed: Required Settings and Signup fields not set #1122 (#1131)
* Fixed: Dashboard performance issues on large stores (#1134)
* Fixed: Shipping taxes incorrect if using comma for separator. #1058 (#1112)
* Fixed: Checkout extremely slow when vendors have lots of products #1125 (#1129)
* Fixed: Double header issue when single headers are enabled
* Fixed: Disable edits on per product basis #981
* Fixed: Disable free headers when pro is active
* Fixed: Placeholder translation strings for sale dates
* Fixed: Shipping tab missing on product pages (#1105)
* Fixed: Missing checks for variables

Version 1.6.5 – 11th September 2019

* Added: Responsive vendor dashboard
* Added: Short description and tags to product download template
* Added: Filter for product redirect url
* Updated: Make Variations inherit form settings #928
* Updated: Remove Google+ from social media list #1092 (#1100)
* Updated: Use localization function for labels (#1081)
* Updated: Adjusted drop down to use Vendor display name instead of username
* Fixed: Recalculate commission is using incorrect product price #1075
* Fixed: Vendor policies formatting issues on single product tabs #1097
* Fixed: Deprecated jQuery calls in javascript files #1096 (#1099)
* Fixed: Bug in Vendor Dashboard on mobile for shipping tab #1094 (#1095)
* Fixed: Pro dashboard rewrites fail if sub page of free dashboard #1014 (#1083)
* Fixed: Orders not showing in Orders tab when shipping disabled #1088
* Fixed: ‘Free’ Shop Header causing ‘Shop Single Product Header’ option not to work
* Fixed: Coupon after action product price incorrect
* Fixed: Link to settings page in vacation notice incorrect #1080
* Fixed: Commission tiers lookup method
* Fixed: Incorrect notice displayed for disk usage exceeded
* Fixed: Recalculate commissions not using the order date

* Templates Updated

Version 1.6.4 – 12th June 2019

* Added: Product shipping helper method
* Added: Ability to use SCRIPT_DEBUG for debugging purposes
* Updated: Removed unused code
* Fixed: Tiered commissions not saving #1057
* Fixed: Coupon commission action calculation
* Fixed: Deprecated jQuery load calls in dashboard charts and forms
* Fixed: Store notice set for one vendor displays in all vendor’s store #1063
* Fixed: Free shipping coupon commission calculation incorrect #1055
* Fixed: Recalculate commissions not working correctly for coupons or shipping #1051
* Fixed: New vendor products not shown on vendor dashboard in WC3.6.x and above #1067
* Fixed: Commission coupon product price incorrect #1066
* Fixed: SEO title on user edit screen incorrect #1065
* Fixed: Disk usage limit labels incorrect on Product > Form pages #1062
* Fixed: Single Product Tool – Incorrect template being used when editing #1061
* Fixed: Vendor order detail bugs #1059
* Fixed: Vendor Shipping doesn’t work with group subscription #1052
* Fixed: Inherit default shipping and return policies #1042
* Fixed: Commission tab inside Product Data box style problem
* Fixed: Country rate table state drop down duplicates (#1047)
* Fixed: Coupon value incorrect for commission calculation #1045
* Fixed: Coupon is applying to all products during commission calculation #1044

* Templates Updated

Version 1.6.3 – 22 April 2019

* Added: Cross sells/upsell to simple and download forms #1015
* Added: Filter for the store address
* Added: Commission filter Thanks Chris!
* Updated: Added details about variables available in the template
* Updated: Policies UI updates #1013
* Update: Store header address #1007
* Updated: WC tested to 3.6.1
* Updated: Wording on widget
* Updated: More style fixes for the My Listing theme support
* Fixed: Vendor List shortcode style issues #1040
* Fixed: Category Select2 messages could not be translated
* Fixed: Signup form hide field issues #1032
* Fixed: Action names on template
* Fixed: Store Address required not working #1033
* Fixed: Recalculate commission method #1034
* Fixed: Product SEO tab not hidden #1010
* Fixed: Store Website / Blog URL not used on front end #1018 (#1028)
* Fixed: Store hours hidden on settings page still show #1017
* Fixed: Price validation fails if no thousands separator set #1012
* Fixed: Attributes tab not hidden #1009
* Fixed: Required attributes not working #1006
* Fixed: Disable add to cart for vacation message #1004
* Fixed: Get vendor id function (#1008)
* Fixed: Vendor order export not reading date ranges #1030
* Fixed: Theme support doesn’t support child themes #1016
* Fixed: Approve/Deny emails not firing when pro is enabled
* Fixed: Added translation strings for opening hours table headers

* Templates Updated

Version 1.6.2 – 21st March 2019

* Added: Option for logout link on dashboard navigation
* Added: Product type to products table
* Added: Filter to adjust opening times options for store settings
* Added: Option to use vertical menu in vendor dashboard
* Updated: Store notice styles the same as vacation notice
* Updated: Tested to 3.5.7 of WooCommerce
* Updated: Recheck and update all select2 fields #992
* Updated: styles on mobile
* Updated: Adjusted layout widths on order table page
* Updated: Fixed search form width
* Updated: Version for templates being incorrect
* Fixed: Total sales numbers incorrect in store headers #979
* Fixed: Country in store address in store header #980
* Fixed: Vacation mode showing twice on single product page when header is enabled
* Fixed: Format all commission values to float before calculations
* Fixed: Social media icons widget #983
* Fixed: Product templates not loading custom templates in admin #996
* Fixed: Custom product template not applied to product #1001
* Fixed: Overriding default templates creates second edit button #1002
* Fixed: Error when descriptions set to required and wp_editor #971
* Fixed: Select2 issues on attributes tab #985
* Fixed: Tags aren’t saving #989 (#991)
* Fixed: Category walker no longer working #978
* Fixed: Categories checklist validation scroll to #977 (#986)
* Fixed: Required category not highlighting red when validation fails #976 (#984)
* Fixed: Category not saving if single select used #975 (#982)
* Fixed: Dashboard styles not loading for storefront theme support

* Templates Updated

Version 1.6.1 – 11th March 2019

* Added: Add Privacy Policy to settings #712
* Added: Allow wp_editor on the product templates #926
* Added: Option to have view product open in new window #722
* Updated: Select2 to version 4 #690
* Updated: Added helper notice on user edit screen for comissions
* Updated: Rename Order notes on vendor screens #713
* Fixed: wcv_pro_dashboard shortcode throw an error on saving page #954
* Fixed: Undefined $user on product category screen #959
* Fixed: Notices on commission screen #963
* Fixed: Duplicate setting for ratings #958
* Fixed: Don’t display vacation message if it is left blank
* Fixed: Error uploading media #960
* Fixed: Ratings not displaying on vendor dashboard if products deleted
* Fixed: Shipping weight field validation issue #945
* Fixed: Hide min shipping field problem #938
* Fixed: Category commissions on user edit screen #943
* Fixed: Opening hours display issue #941
* Fixed: Missing icons on modals (#940)
* Fixed: Stock values not loaded when editing variations
* Fixed: Seo categories incorrect variable

* Templates Updated

Version 1.6.0 – 20th February 2019

* Added: Commission tiers system
* Added: Product Category based commission #869
* Added: New modern store header design #930
* Added: New dashboard check method
* Added: New theme support system
* Added: Dashboard wrapper class filter
* Added: Ability to recalculate commissions on order screens #897
* Added: Option for vendors to be able to select their own shipping type #545
* Added: Actions to signup form
* Added: Sync ratings with WooCommerce feedback #902 – Thanks to Andrea Piccart
* Added: File and disk usage limits for vendors #899
* Added: Filter commission arguments #906
* Added: Add form option for store opening hours #884
* Added: “Leave Feedback” buttons on the my-account/downloads page #554
* Updated: Tested to WordPress 5.2.0-Alpha
* Fixed: Product SEO fields missing on new products
* Fixed: Search box styling
* Fixed: Variations not assigned to vendors using WooCommerce import tool
* Fixed: Show state name for shipping panels #924
* Fixed: Prevent blank page after save product.
* Fixed: Stock quantity is formatted as float #914
* Fixed: Variation fields alignment #909
* Fixed: Hide add product button only #912
* Fixed: recent products widget for vendor search
* Fixed: Non property on post object when vendor uses WooCommerce Search
* Fixed: undefined variable in template
* Fixed: Missed arguments #905
* Fixed: Undefined function ratings_link
* Fixed: Feedback Form If star rating is not selected, text is deleted after save #552
* Fixed: Form validation, wrong scroll position on error #893
* Fixed: Product SEO Tab not hiding correctly #896
* Fixed: Allow commas to be used in prices in the pro front-end forms #539

* Templates Updated:

* Templates Added:

Version 1.5.10 – 12th January 2019

* Added: Sort and delete icon for shipping table #883
* Fixed: Shipping Table is not responsive #883
* Fixed: Inventory required fields problems #882
* Fixed: Vacation Mode – Disable Cart option is not disabling the Add To Cart #878
* Fixed: Pro Dashboard Settings Tabs are not functioning #876

Version 1.5.9 – 5th January 2019

* Added: Vendor Store Notice #846
* Added: Store opening hours #754
* Added: Admin notify email trigger when users submit application form #859
* Added: Filter for order comments
* Added: Filter for dashboard rewrite rules
* Added: New hooks for coupons
* Added: Actions before and after shipping rates that can be hooked
* Updated: Reformat and apply WordPress Coding Standards #855
* Updated: Coupon “Allow Free Shipping” checkbox description #865
* Updated: Session management update #861
* Fixed: Allow Free Shipping checkbox (Coupons) does not stay selected #866
* Fixed: Dashboard > Orders date range Clear / Reset button is not functioning #864
* Fixed: Coupons not applying to all products correctly
* Fixed: Notify admin for vendor pending application
* Fixed: Google Maps layout issues on settings screen #862
* Fixed: Added file type support to file_uploader in form helper #843
* Fixed: Total Sales for products not functioning #845
* Fixed: If Categories are required and left empty, no “scroll to” occurs #796
* Fixed: Code output in headers, undefined variables and headers already sent warnings #847
* Fixed: Google Map rendering problem

* Templates Updated:

Version 1.5.8 – 6th December 2018

* Added: Showing number of sold items publicly #838
* Added: Allow media uploads in shop description and seller info
* Added: SEO on product level #829
* Added: Vacation Mode – Disable cart option #777
* Added: Ability to hook into variations save code to save other variable product types
* Added: Low stock threshold field to products
* Added: Stock QTY amount to pro dashboard > products list. #624
* Updated: Vendor Contact Widget Updates #755
* Updated: Stock status field behaviour
* Updated: WooCommerce version compatibility
* Fixed: Vendor not assigned during admin product import
* Fixed: Show minimum shipping with tax #840
* Fixed: WC Vendors Store Categories Widget doesn’t work when Yoast plugin is activated #648
* Fixed: Errors output on coupon screen if vendor is not the owner.
* Fixed: Setup wizard menu item is not hidden #841
* Fixed: undefined variable and calling member on non object (#836)

* Templates Updated:

Version 1.5.7 – 22nd October 2018

* Added: Vendor support to Product Import/Export tool for admins #823
* Added: Shipping setting to include taxes during threshold calculations #819
* Added: Show Product Handling fee on Product page Shipping Tab #645
* Added: Actions before and after each settings tab
* Updated: Support for WordPress 5.0.0
* Updated: Support for WooCommerce 3.5.0
* Fixed: Undefined index on new installs on store header
* Fixed: Shipping fields missing from product edit #827
* Fixed: Inventory required fields are not functioning #826
* Fixed: Vendor settings page tabs not showing when clicked
* Fixed: Google maps integration errors #820
* Fixed: Coupon product restrictions not saving correctly. Thanks David R
* Fixed: Duplicate product error when delete disabled #821
* Fixed: Incorrect filter arguments thanks David
* Fixed: Percentage values not working correctly
* Fixed: Incorrect coupon form label
* Fixed: Set default options to ensure product edits forms render correctly on fresh installs
* Fixed: Shipping thresholds were only checking greater than the amounts set, not including the amounts set
* Fixed: Console error on products list page
* Fixed: Incorrect setting name causing product tab to not show on some installs

* Templates Updated:

Version 1.5.6 – 27th September 2018

* Added: Vendor search widget
* Added: Add maps chooser for address on store settings #711
* Added: Actions before and after fields for simple product edit form
* Fixed: Updates to Download file from vendor revokes download permissions for customer #792
* Fixed: Required field file downloads not functioning #811
* Fixed: Get user locale when loading translations
* Fixed: Required field tags is not functioning #797
* Fixed: Display correct shipping override price #793
* Fixed: File Display on Product form not working #799
* Fixed: Max Gallery Images – limitation does not work if ctrl is used #790
* Fixed: Tag Separator option is not functioning properly #807
* Fixed: Do not show the inventory tab if manage stock is disabled at the WooCommerce level
* Fixed: Incorrect update method name in updater scripts
* Fixed: Unable to filter tracking providers when only shipping to UK or US
* Fixed: Undefined property notice in ratings controller
* Fixed: Redirect loop when dashboard page isn’t set thanks to Lance
* Fixed: Trying to get property ‘post_name’ of non-object from new install

* Templates Updated:

Version 1.5.5 – 10th August 2018

* Added: Store social media icons widget
* Added: Store ratings widget
* Added: Clear button to order filter $566
* Added: Add color filter for pie chat colors (#764)
* Updated: Filter shipping trackers based on allowed countries #646
* Updated: Page titles to increase usability
* Updated: Fix filter variations action dropdown (#766)
* Updated: Replace all references to ‘Vendor’ #730
* Fixed: Shipping tax calculations are not applying to min/max limits #776 (#784)
* Fixed: Non-numeric value error with PHP 7.1 and above
* Fixed: Variations not showing attributes/variables in product form #767 (#785)
* Fixed: SEO Facebook image option still shows even if it is hidden #780 (#783)
* Fixed: Added check if variations not defined on product save return from method
* Fixed: Shop Coupon showing incorrect vendor column information #774
* Fixed: Order Note – vendors cannot view previous order notes #770
* Fixed: Shop Description widget doesn’t render HTML #769
* Fixed: Font Awesome problems store header #761
* Fixed: Coupon required fields #635
* Fixed: Handling fee fields Admin and Vendor Dashboard are not accepting percentages (%) #763
* Fixed: Vendor Application will not submit with required fields #752
* Fixed: Missing after product media action
* Fixed: Create Variations from all attributes fails #756
* Fixed: Unable to use decimals in shipping fields on store settings page

* Templates Updated:

Version 1.5.4 – 4th July 2018

* Added: Vendor store short description widget
* Added: Vendor contact form widget
* Added: Vendor store address and map widget
* Added: Option for coupons to redirect after save/edit #634
* Added: Custom google maps field
* Added: Strip tags from custom fields unless options allow tags #738
* Added: Override Become a Vendor to redirect to Pro dashboard on click
* Added: Support Multiple dashboard pages #475
* Fixed: Update email trigger in save pending vendors (#750)
* Fixed: Two edits in edit url (#749)
* Fixed: Download limit and expiry issue #729
* Fixed: Custom Attributes created by Admin & added to Variation do not transfer to Vendor form #724
* Fixed: International flat rate shipping setting can’t use decimals #746
* Fixed: Limit the table rate country drop down to the woocommerce ship to option #675
* Fixed: Simple form won’t submit if attributes required on product form #734
* Fixed: Updated settings filtering with built in function
* Fixed: Allow vendors to add attribute terms #735
* Fixed: Product form wasn’t submitting
* Fixed: Tracking number date picker not functioning
* Fixed: Dashboard page id references
* Fixed: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in wc-vendors-pro/public/class-wcvendors-pro-dashboard.php on line 545 #732

Version 1.5.3 – 11th June 2018

* Added: Update fix for add product blank page
* Fixed: Hiding bank fields creates undefined index warnings on save for vendor settings #726
* Fixed: Undefined index on permalinks page when using custom pages
* Fixed: Required fields on signup page are not functioning #721
* Fixed: removed setting for option that doesn’t exist
* Fixed: Allow wp editor in store description and seller info
* Fixed: Vendor Specific commission not working #714
* Fixed: Disable free vendor commission input when pro is enabled
* Fixed: Allow markup in form fields
* Fixed: Attributes tab still shows when disabled #718
* Fixed: Update notice stuck #717
* Fixed: Wording on updating message
* Fixed: Translation strings
* Fixed: Dashboard nav shortcode style issues #720
* Fixed: Page save error on setup wizard

Version 1.5.2 – 28th May 2018

* Added: Extended shipping details to single product prage #592
* Added: Setup Wizard
* Added: New admin notices system
* Updated: New plugin installer
* Updated: WooCommerce tested version
* Fixed: Product handling fee validation problem
* Fixed: SKU display on product form
* Fixed: Download Expiry and limit saving incorrectly #710
* Fixed: Specify category ID needed for Hide Categories product form option #709
* Fixed: Free store headers showing #708
* Fixed: Update notice
* Fixed: Commission option reference
* Fixed: Vendor Ratings link shortcode
* Fixed: Default settings
* Fixed: Incorrect settings check
* Fixed: Incorrect link to settings page on woo commerce status #707
* Fixed: Product type selector issues #706
* Fixed: Error with blank product page when selecting Add Product #705
* Fixed: Vendor Tools not displaying on single product page #704
* Fixed: Unable to add attributes in product form #702
* Fixed: Product type selector triggers JS error #703
* Fixed: Unable to submit form for terms and conditions conditional
* Fixed: All vendors must be manually approved

* Templates Updated:

Version 1.5.1 – 21st May 2018

* Added: Filter to completely disable the product_type in the product edit form
* Added: View store in new window #699
* Added: Option to change which customer address to display on the orders table
* Updated: Removed deprecated function completely
* Fixed: Global disable national/international not working #692
* Fixed: Order Details not filtering #694
* Fixed: Sold by not showing on front end
* Fixed: Duplicate option missing from pro dashboard > products page #695
* Fixed: Hide Vacation Mode doesn’t function #700
* Fixed: Disable Vendor shipping not working #698
* Fixed: Manually approve registration #697
* Fixed: Parsley javascript console error #688
* Fixed: Removed legacy form code that is causing console conflict
* Fixed: Sku “Hide” Cannot be deselected once it is selected #691
* Fixed: Hide product type options based on capabilities
* Fixed: Hide download files stops form submitting #693
* Fixed: Typo in license update code
* Fixed: Incorrect get_option call
* Fixed: Hiding customer details filters not working
* Fixed: Product type box default values not applying
* Fixed: Products html unable to be hooked correctly
* Fixed: issue with search form display
* Fixed: Cannot use decimal in number for commission fee #689

Version 1.5.0 – 14th May 2018

* Added: Store SEO, Facebook Share and Twitter Card
* Added: Vendor login redirect option
* Added: Completely disable a field by setting the filter to an empty array
* Added: Product as an argument to the action
* Added: disable required if hide checked in form settings pages
* Added: Bank Account details to store settings and signup
* Added: Target option to filter for custom dasbhoard pages to allow open in new window.
* Added: Upgrade migration code for new settings system
* Added: New settings system options and pages
* Added: Validation to coupon form
* Added: Meta key search to product search form #581
* Added: Options to restrict max/min image dimensions for product images #551
* Added: Save product redirect #555
* Added: Do not display disabled product form fields on the product table #547
* Added: Required product edit form options
* Added: Replaced form validation system with Parsley JS
* Added: filter for lock new products
* Added: Filter to use billing address in export #672
* Added: Filter for product currency
* Added: Filter to hook into row actions for orders.
* Added: Filter to change seller info title on store form.
* Added: Filter wcv_shipping_tracking_update_note to allow shipping tracking notifications to be changed
* Updated: Removed no longer supported download type
* Updated: Order controller code refectoring
* Updated: Changing Validation system to Parsley.js
* Fixed: Permalink updates issue
* Fixed: Class loading order for order table and reports tables
* Fixed: Shipping checks wrong #687
* Fixed: Shipping commission not added to downloadable products
* Fixed: Unable to add order note
* Fixed: Pro Shop Headers are not Displaying #686
* Fixed: Store branding not showing on vendor dashboard
* Fixed: Signup form address and missing actions.
* Fixed: further issues with check boxes
* Fixed: External urls saving #679
* Fixed: Variations sortable UI for new and existing products #678
* Fixed: variations hide fields code
* Fixed: date picker on tracking information
* Fixed: removed source maps
* Fixed: typo in settings form
* Fixed: Show hide commission fields in new settings screens
* Fixed: Required categories option name
* Fixed: Hide Categories setting doesn’t work #684
* Fixed: Option used to determine whether Categories is required
* Fixed: WooCommerce 3.0 and above stores check boxes differently
* Fixed: Ratings page loading for new settings system
* Fixed: Only display license warning on plugins page or wc vendors related pages
* Fixed: Removed legacy code
* Fixed: PHP 7.1 compatibility
* Fixed: Coupon free shipping #649
* Fixed: User edit shipping #676
* Fixed: Add coupon button #677
* Fixed: Updated vendor shipped action for new email system
* Fixed: Version check WC Vendors and load appropriate menu slug
* Fixed: Store Description & Seller Info cannot be completely deleted using the front end forms #674
* Fixed: Depreciated icon call
* Fixed: Don’t show reversed orders on order screen
* Fixed: Tags not displaying correctly in product edit form
* Fixed: wp_kses argument errors
* Fixed: Replace strip_slashes with wp_kses #633
* Fixed: Admin User Saves wipes out store shipping settings #671
* Fixed: Store Category Widget: returns all vendor products if drop-down is used #666
* Fixed: Product Title is not showing under ratings in vendor dashboard Ratings tab #662
* Fixed: Grouped Products are not working properly #647
* Fixed: Percentage coupon display
* Fixed: custom taxonomy not saving on creating initial product
* Fixed: Custom taxonomies unable to be reset to no terms #660
* Fixed: SKU no longer required #665
* Fixed: removed unnecessary file
* Fixed: User Profile screen showing default values #664
* Fixed: Added filter arguments to csv export to provide greater control over the data in order exports
* Fixed: Bug in csv export row data
* Fixed: custom taxonomies loading issue
* Fixed: Run action for settings saved on signup form

* Templates Updated:

Version 1.4.6 – 16th October 2017

* Added: New Canada providers thanks Derek.
* Added: Daily option to reports and orders date pickers
* Added: Action in commission controller
* Fixed: Check store name before submission #639
* Fixed: Admin Default Shipping Settings- Free over $x is being ignored #638
* Fixed: Product Search pagination broken #637
* Fixed: Coupon Expiry Displayed Incorrectly #636
* Fixed: Postcode ranges not working in shipping rates
* Fixed: QTY override not functioning correctly
* Fixed: WC Vendors Store Categories Widget displays all vendors’ categories when “Show as dropdown” #612
* Fixed: Vendor store search breaking menus in all themes #631
* Fixed: Undefined index when using built in woocomemrce search
* Fixed: Wildcard postcodes not working in shipping #632
* Fixed: Export csv not working
* Fixed: Deleted Variation results in an error message on the Pro dashboard #627
* Fixed: Change fixed_product to Product Discount on Pro Dashboard > Coupons #628

* Templates Updated:

Version 1.4.5 – 1st September 2017

* Added: Prefix support to logging to make tracking logs easier
* Added: Allow admin to create coupons for a vendor store #605
* Added: Vacation Mode to User Edit screen #537
* Added: Unique Ids to submit buttons for different forms
* Added: New actions for before and after forms
* Added: Give each save button a unique ID.
* Added: Scroll erroring field into view when form validation fails thanks bporcelli.
* Fixed: If “Max shipping” threshold is reached, taxes are still collected for 0 shipping amount. #625
* Fixed: Admin User address fields : Illegal string warnings #621
* Fixed: Coupon Usage Restriction Check boxes are not functioning #620
* Fixed: Some Shipping fields are not displaying on the vendor sign up form #619
* Fixed: Product Form Gallery Showing All Site Images #618
* Fixed: Upsells, Cross Sells labels are not showing on Product add/edit form #622
* Fixed: Tag label is not showing in product add/edit form #617
* Fixed: Disabled debuggin in shipping gateway
* Fixed: Maximum shipping charged (per vendor) in admin is not working/applied #609
* Fixed: Incorrect product id reference
* Fixed: Only show store category widget on woocommerce pages
* Fixed: Store Category Widget now works in single product page
* Fixed: Translation is not applying to some strings #614
* Fixed: Free Shipping Product Level Override shows default rate on product page #610
* Fixed: QTY checkbox selection for Country Table Rate does not save #606
* Fixed: Removed license localhost disable due to hosting issues with managed hosts #601
* Fixed: If “Charge Once” is checked, Free Shipping settings ignored (multiple of the same product) #598
* Fixed: Shipping address illegal offset problem
* Fixed: FedEx tracking is not formatting correctly for emails #597
* Fixed: Admin options Product Form- Variations hide SKU results in variations not being saved #595
* Fixed: Submit Feedback form page order status is showing date/time of order #604
* Templates Updated:

Version 1.4.4 – 1st July 2017

* Added: More actions to product edit forms for extensions to hook into as requested
* Added: Store category widget
* Added: Support for text area in form generator
* Added: Product template meta box to wp-admin product edit screen
* Added: Template to filter arguments to allow filtering by template loaded
* Added: Actions before and after every form field #403
* Added: Vendor Store Search Widget #10
* Added: Sanitize value method to form builder
* Added: Show descriptions on check boxes for form generator
* Added: Ability to debug license issues
* Updated: Use new class logger
* Updated: Updated license client file library
* Fixed: Update output for details
* Fixed: Incorrect field definitions
* Fixed: Store Shipping Address in admin is not saving entries #594
* Fixed: Admin Store Settings: New 1.4 Shipping Options Not Hidden When Checked #589
* Fixed: Custom taxonomies in product controller saving incorrectly
* Fixed: Price tooltip number formatting
* Fixed: Tax totals showing incorrectly in order details
* Fixed: Free shipping product override for international flat rate not working
* Fixed: Max qty per product bug on international flat rate
* Fixed: Id references for new actions in form helper
* Fixed: QTY selection in Country Table Rate moves after Save #585
* Fixed: File reference in internal logging system
* Fixed: Index error on front and admin area
* Fixed: Show taxes on dashboard if give tax enabled thanks Daman
* Fixed: Order Details has Incorrect display of commission if Variable Product(s) in the order #583
* Fixed: Admin cannot change & update vendor phone number (Store Address) #579
* Fixed: Lock new products for vendor bugs
* Fixed: Double slash in custom product edit templates on product page
* Fixed: Form helper unix time validator
* Fixed: License localhost detection issue on some servers
* Fixed: Fatal error on wp-admin product page for shipping
* Fixed: Fatal Error on single product page #577
* Fixed: Pro Dashboard Add Product Quick Link Has Double // #575
* Fixed: Private Listing Selection is not functioning #574
* Fixed: Shipping Funds Allocated to the Admin Instead of the Vendor #571
* Fixed: Fatal error on wp-admin product page for ratings
* Fixed: Warnings on custom meta keys
* Fixed: Added extra checks for deleted orders and incorrect commission status
* Fixed: Stop showing label for hidden form fields
* Templates Updated:
* Templates Added:

Version 1.4.3 – 25th April 2017

* Fixed: Duplicate Product “save changes” button does not work for Variable Product #573
* Fixed: Coupon warnings on WooCommerce 3
* Fixed: Shipping Funds Allocated to the Admin Instead of the Vendor #571 (requires wc vendors free update also)
* Fixed: Older Variable Products Shipping is incorrect; Cart shows Admin as Vendor #567
* Fixed: Shipping info display on single product page
* Fixed: External products don’t save #569
* Fixed: Non functioning required field code for shipping tab
* Fixed: Checkout Fatal Error #568

Version 1.4.2 – 19th April 2017

* Fixed: CSV upload date range is not applying. #544
* Fixed: Shipping Shows No Methods Available #564
* Fixed: Order Export: fatal error #565
* Fixed: Order Status Strings are not translatable
* Fixed: Modified vendor controller to allow views plugin to work
* Fixed: Incorrect version number constant
* Fixed: Orders & Coupons Page (Pro Dashboard) Blank if Vendor has Orders #563
* Fixed: Vendor Coupons are showing error; not functioning #560

Version 1.4.1 – 10th April 2017

* Fixed: Duplicate Product is not working #559
* Fixed: Add Product, Save Draft, Save Changed, Save Draft Buttons are not working #558

Version 1.4.0 – 3rd April 2017

* Added: Action to intercept tracking details entered by vendor #556
* Added: WooCommerce 3.0 compatible
* Added: Auto save of custom taxonomies on product forms
* Added: Template base_dir filter
* Added: Ability to parse arguments to custom templates
* Added: Custom page route capability for dashboard
* Added: Filter for vendor arguments #540
* Added: Check for variation before displaying on front end
* Added: Country Table Rate Defaults in wp-admin #364
* Added: Country rate overrides on wp-admin product page #474
* Added: Global country rate shipping options
* Added: Filter for button class on orders page
* Added: Postcode field to country rate shipping
* Added: Search to products table #413
* Added: Order level shipping commission splits
* Added: Can select multiple images for product gallery
* Added: Vendor shipping display now split at cart and checkout
* Added: Calculated shipping data now stored in packages
* Added: Actions to variations #376
* Added: Show / Hide Variations options #381
* Added: Lock Vendor from Editing or Creating New Product #383
* Added: Limit category selection for select and checklist via option #394
* Added: Support for instance settings to vendor shipping
* Added: Option for different default product edit forms
* Added: Multiple Product Add/Edit template support #285
* Added: Change shipping label in cart and checkout to ‘free shipping’ if method cost is $0
* Updated: Main class logger
* Fixed: Allow multiple image selection in product gallery #525
* Fixed: Javascript date format issue
* Fixed: Undefined variable class in order actions partial #542
* Fixed: Undefined variables in file downloads for variations
* Fixed: Hide flat rate options when country rate selected globally
* Fixed: Updated variations to use new download file code
* Fixed: Text capitalisation inconsistencies
* Fixed: Parse error with short tags turned off
* Fixed: References to deprecated function calls
* Fixed: Coupon ‘apply to all products’ including all future products
* Fixed: Free shipping coupons #424
* Fixed: Allow Shop Manager Role /wp-admin/ access #296
* Fixed: Free shipping over for order and product #474
* Fixed: Double edit in url on default template
* Fixed: Allow shipping classes #304
* Removed: Debug code from template #541
* Templates Updated:
* Templates Added:

Version 1.3.9 – 24th January 2017

* Added: Indicate if a product is out of stock on pro dashboard #500
* Added: Error message to store name #509
* Added: Action hook ‘wcv_before_product_type’ in product-edit form
* Added: New filters for product row labels categories and tags #502
* Updated: License notice for dev/staging sites #522
* Fixed: Fatal errors when activating pro if WC Vendors not found
* Fixed: Updated variations to use new download file code
* Fixed: Installer activation code not running #526
* Fixed: A Product’s Featured “status” is removed after editing in Pro Dashboard #523
* Fixed: Downloadable files and attachment ID sync issues #518
* Fixed: Possible XSS from Vendors #527
* Fixed: Duplicate wp-admin menu item #513
* Fixed: Pinterest link is missing a double-quote #521
* Fixed: Tooltip with no tip #514
* Fixed: Attributes not selected for variations showing in variations #519
* Fixed: Filter Typo #520
* Fixed: Multi Select limited for tags: when this method is used, tags are not saved to the product #505
* Fixed: Product level override is not working if store default is set to: Int’l Disabled. #499
* Fixed: Add plugin page is full of errors and unusable. #508

Version 1.3.8 – 16th November 2016

* Added: wcv_dashboard_nav_class filter to add a css class to dashboard nav
* Added: Show order status to vendors and removed order actions on refunded or cancelled orders #490
* Added: New license and update system
* Added: Action Hook(s) for product-edit Media Uploader area #487
* Added: Admin css class names for shipping fields
* Added: Filter for button class on orders page
* Fixed: Puerto Rico does not show up on the front end #498
* Fixed: Missing double quote in store form #497
* Fixed: References to deprecated function calls
* Fixed: Refresh Page; Feedback / Rating is submitted again. #488
* Fixed: Coupon checkbox selection after edit/save #489
* Fixed: Typo in tracking providers #485
* Fixed: Address info still showing despite permissions selection #480
* Fixed: Undefined variable reference on new template store settings template
* Fixed: Commission fee product override not saving value #477
* Fixed: License url ending slash

Version 1.3.7 – 29th September 2016

* Added: Jquery datetimepicker ui to front end
* Added: Placeholders for the product description and short description
* Added: Filters to all file include paths for non template overrides by developers #400
* Updated: Replaced date picker with jquery-ui-datepicker fixing #466 #459
* Updated: Portuguese translations thanks Elsa!
* Fixed: Commission fee product override not saving value #477
* Fixed: Country rate shipping commission only giving 1 #472
* Fixed: Hide “export order to CSV” on dashboard/orders now obeys free capability #469
* Fixed: Can’t edit draft if edit live product is disabled #463
* Fixed: Move shipping fields into template #456
* Fixed: Vendor terms incorrect link on application page #452
* Fixed: Incorrect text domain for some inputs
* Fixed: Use WordPress date format for date picker on dashboard
* Fixed: Report issue with reversed commissions.
* Fixed: Errors saving products with grouped products disabled on the form.
* Fixed: Remove font family from main style sheet
* Fixed: Method get_orders2 in class WCVendors_Pro_Vendor_Controller produces an invalid SQL
* Templates Updated:

Version 1.3.6 – 20th August 2016

* Added: Price breakdown on dashboard recent orders
* Added: Orders page options to disable table data and actions #359
* Added: Vendor tools on single product page #334
* Added: Multi Word Tags support via options #163
* Added: Tool to import commission overrides for vendors and products
* Added: GPL notice and support information
* Fixed: Dashboard reports incorrect price breakdown #450
* Fixed: Default for attribute capability not loading
* Fixed: Options defaults don’t load on initial plugin install #448
* Fixed: Check if terms page is set when processing application on new installs
* Fixed: Save fields for pending vendors also
* Fixed: Shop header: phone number in wrong spot #449
* Fixed: Sass not compiling
* Fixed: Dashboard permalink flushed correctly on activation
* Fixed: Remove debug code from template #446
* Fixed: International shipping settings issues #445
* Fixed: Trusted Vendor, Verified, etc. selections in admin are not saving #444
* Fixed: Fall back to free commission overrides for products and vendors if not imported into pro yet #440
* Fixed: Activation error if post type doesn’t exist.
* Fixed: Undefined value warning on dashboard
* Fixed: Shipping checkboxes not loading values in admin area
* Templates Updated:

Version 1.3.5 – 14th August 2016

* Fixed: Store defaults not applied if no product override #442
* Fixed: Shipping checkboxes not loading values in admin area
* Fixed: Missing translated strings
* Added: New dashboard page nav filters for overriding the navigation

Version 1.3.4 – 5th August 2016

* Added: wcv_delete_post action to allow hooking into deleted products
* Added: Duplicate product #427
* Added: Body css classes to set pro pages #420
* Added: Class main logger to Pro class
* Added: Order number to orders row filter
* Added: 100% Complete French translations thanks Nicolas !
* Added: Auto mark as shipped if tracking info added
* Added: Shop coupon table filters wcv_shop_coupon_table_rows, wcv_shop_coupon_table_columns
* Updated: License language to stop confusion with activation issues
* Fixed: Don’t show orders that have been reversed in reports
* Fixed: Shipping calculation breaks in WC2.6 for some installs
* Fixed: Dashboard Recent Orders table product display #438
* Fixed: Default pages being set during plugin activation
* Fixed: Disabled national shipping bug
* Fixed: Sale price on variable products doesnt work #434
* Fixed: PHP Warnings Order Controller L371 #433
* Fixed: Country Table Rate QTY not calculating #430
* Fixed: ‘Charge once per product’ fields reset after product approval #429
* Fixed: Snapchat integration incomplete #423
* Fixed: Mark Shipped gives customers (2) emails #422
* Fixed: Sprintf error when feedback page accessed directly
* Fixed: shipping panel problems in the dashboard for admin
* Fixed: Storing non-english characters correctly in the database.
* Fixed: Updated strings to be translated in ratings controller
* Fixed: Commission bug when using variations and overrides
* Templates Updated:

Version 1.3.3 – 9th July 2016

* Added: Shortcode to show Dashboard Menu on Other Pages #233
* Added: Vendor Shipping to Product edit screen in WordPress Dashboard
* Added: Social SnapChat for vendors #384
* Added: Complete shipping interface to user screen and product edit in wp-admin
* Added: New filter wcv_custom_attribute_default_label for attribute placeholder
* Added: URL redirect filters for vendor registraron
* Added: Verified Vendors Badge #3
* Added: Option to disable select2 from loading
* Added: Option to disable markup from inputs on pro forms #355
* Updated: Font awesome to latest release 4.6.3
* Updated: Attribute text to remove confusion
* Updated: German Pro Translations for v1.3.2 Thanks Andy!
* Fixed: Vendors can’t edit existing coupons #418
* Fixed: Shipping from – backend not saving #416
* Fixed: Missing argument
* Fixed: Show variation on dashboard orders page and on popup #377
* Fixed: wp-admin vendor feedback star ratings #406
* Fixed: Invalid Non Integer error when using coupons with Stripe gateway
* Templates Updated:

Version 1.3.2 – 17th June 2016

* Added: wcv_countries_list filter to the form helper
* Added: If My Account page ID is missing, then….. #351
* Added: Filter for feedback string wcv_feedback_page_error_msg #395
* Added: Filters for chart colors
* Updated: License Key verbage
* Fixed: Bug in select option values
* Fixed: Uncaught ReferenceError: attachment_image_url is not defined #398
* Fixed: Admin reference to file url in media uploader
* Fixed: Image URL reference error
* Fixed: Variable Products Download URL Bug #393
* Fixed: If coupon code already exists, dont add it. #391
* Fixed: Qty errors
* Fixed: Hardcoded sold by label reference
* Fixed: Style bug in variation thumbnails
* Fixed: In case commission goes below zero
* Fixed: Coupon Before/After Issue #379
* Fixed: Edit coupon values loading
* Fixed: Sale on Product Bug #378
* Fixed: Orders Page – View Orders Details Bug #373
* Fixed: Variable Free Shipping bug #374
* Fixed: Edit live products bug #371
* Fixed: PHP version check is too low, when is not. #387
* Fixed: Coupon Validation #380
* Fixed: Support for variations in csv export
* Fixed: Missing div in coupon actions table thanks Melissa
* Fixed: Translation issues and updated Taiwanese Translations
* Fixed: Dashboard style adding larger font widths
* Added: Vendor Terms & Conditions #358
* Fixed: Text input attributes for variations #360
* Fixed: Translation issue in product edit template
* Fixed: Sale price not saving if Vendors amend their product #367
* Fixed: Trusted Vendors publish own products when saving as Draft #362
* Fixed: Settings dashboard post action typo #369
* Fixed: Removed script debug checking in wp-admin

Version 1.3.1 – 3rd May 2016

* Added: Variations UI expand icon for easier UI
* Fixed: wcv_pro_vendorslist broken in v1.3.0 #357
* Updated: German Pro Translations for v1.3.0 Thanks Andy!
* Fixed: Variations media upload permission problem

Version 1.3.0 – 1st May 2016

* Added: Variations Support
* Added: Downloadable file URL hider option
* Added: Storing more file data in database for downloadable files
* Added: Filters and actions to hook into the orders table
* Added: New filters for dashboard and feedback from pull request #356 thanks Sven77
* Added: Vacation Mode #1
* Updated: Base language files
* Fixed: Grouped products not saving
* Fixed: Shipping System & Currency Symbols #353
* Fixed: Vendor Shipping ignores admin default rates flat rate #352
* Fixed: Country Rate any any shipping bug #348
* Fixed: Undefined variable error in product controller
* Fixed: Download files styling
* Fixed: Featured image url error on some WordPress installs
* Fixed: SQL statements to be safe queries
* Fixed: Product override country rate calculation
* Fixed: Added support for form validation on store settings inputs
* Fixed: Renamed product form actions to not conflict with other plugins
* Fixed: Filter collision for front end products
* Templates Updated:
* Templates Added:

Version 1.2.5 – 11th April 2016

* Added: Full attribute support
* Added: Link back to store from view all ratings page #313
* Added: Vendor filter drop down on admin products page #335
* Added: Filters for add/edit product helper text #333
* Added: Limited dropdown to defined tags for product tags #307
* Added: Vendor feedback shortcode [wcv_feedback vendor=”user_login”] #286
* Added: Option to disable file url in downloadable products #284
* Added: Admin defaults for shipping & return policies #217
* Added: Portuguese Translation ( Thanks Elsa! )
* Fixed: Vendor feedback url rewrites for WPML support
* Fixed: Commission Calculation Error #343
* Fixed: Delete confirmation window #342
* Fixed: Sale prices not saving #340
* Fixed: Default Store Banners not showing up in some areas #339
* Fixed: Media upload style issue on product edit template
* Fixed: Free shipping coupon checkbox Bug #337
* Fixed: Product management option bug #336
* Fixed: CTR vs Flat Rate conflict when overriding by user #332
* Fixed: Sequential order numbering plugins on some pages #331
* Fixed: Shipping array/string warning #328
* Fixed: Translation strings for dashboard quick links
* Fixed: Vendors able to publish live products that are pending by editing #326
* Fixed: Commission + fee issues
* Fixed: Shipping display on vendor shipping override
* Fixed: Disable tax calculations in vendor shipping when disabled at store level
* Fixed: Button layout issues on pro dashboard
* Updated: How store address is output in template #322
* Updated: Auto Vendor Approval, Redirect Link #329
* Updated: German translations thanks Andy!
* Templates Updated:

Version 1.2.4 – 20th March 2016

* Templates: No templates were updated this release.
* Added: Pagination to products and shop coupons, default options available in admin #320
* Added: filters for wcv_pro_vendorslist styles and layout
* Added: pagination arguments to new filter for wcvendors list
* Fixed: Illegal string offset for shipping class
* Fixed: wcv_pagination for pro vendorslist #327
* Fixed: Order Date Range Bug #325
* Fixed: wcv_my_account_msg translation string #321
* Merged: Added css orders class (merged pull req from BuddyBoss)

Version 1.2.3 – 14th March 2016

* Added: Default date ranges and date picker for order and dashboard screens
* Added: before/after branding actions #293
* Added: System Status: woocommerce.php #282
* Added: Default store banner option
* Added: Filter for url on ratings link
* Added: wcv_pro_vendorslist shortcode and template
* Added: Quick Navigation Links (Add Filter) #289
* Added: Remove shipping for external/affiliate products #281
* Added: Trusted/Untrusted vendor user level publishing rules #283
* Added: Link to Pro Dashboard on my account page #221
* Added: Show shipping in commission display #196
* Fixed: Added support for extra $qty field in commission calculations
* Fixed: Orders page date picker defaults
* Fixed: When International Shipping is Disabled, Checkout Still Works #312
* Fixed: store_name and store_phone using same filter #315
* Fixed: Store description and seller info issue when disabled #311
* Fixed: PHP error #314
* Fixed: Order modal issues #310
* Fixed: Order Detail on Dashboard #82 #196
* Fixed: New products going live if edit approved enabled
* Fixed: Qty override for vendor shipping
* Added: Hide Social panel if no social links active #305
* Fixed: Coupon Fields Not Saving #302
* Fixed: Grouped Products Broken still #290
* Fixed: Misleading text when auto approve vendors is on #298
* Fixed: Ratings All Page funky text #294
* Fixed: Shipping rates for free at store wide level
* Fixed: Pending Vendor Email fires Twice #288
* Fixed: Product name max length limit added to validation
* Fixed: Shipping Label not pulling vendors address #292
* Fixed: Show extra fields on user page for both vendor and pending vendor roles #291
* Fixed: Button style issue #235
* Fixed: Dashboard showing orders when reversed #280
* Fixed: Added post id to the product edit actions
* Fixed: Store Address doesn’t show on user meta #277
* Fixed: Layout issues when no store icon available

Version 1.2.2 – 3rd February 2016

* Added: Allow vendors to publish revisions live #275
* Added: Ability to have hidden or shown custom meta on store settings
* Added: Notices for signup form for branding #263
* Updated: Rewrote the migration script for stores to users
* Updated: Changed Default Store Header to: Pro #264
* Updated: Cleaned up helper text for options
* Updated: Language files
* Fixed: Title and From on Feedback Form (Translations) #276
* Fixed: Featured Image cant be changed #274
* Fixed: Customers Email on Pro Dashboard / Orders #273
* Fixed: Grouped Products Don’t work #272
* Fixed: Fatal error when updating Free #271
* Fixed: Shop Header for Store Title goes to wrong URL #269
* Fixed: Country table rate shipping calculation issues #267
* Fixed: PHP issues prior to version 5.5
* Fixed: Vendor commission override

Version 1.2.1 – 27th January 2016

* Fixed: Vendor Signup Form doubles Header Text #262
* Fixed: Unable to activate plugin on some sites #261
* Fixed: Store Description and Seller Info not saving #259

Version 1.2.0 – 26th January 2016

* Added: Enable/Disable Shop/Single Product Headers #257
* Added: Message when feedback form accessed directly #254
* Added: Option to disable store settings #244
* Added: Settings and Signup Form configuration #238
* Added: Form validation on product page #115
* Added: Confirm delete of product prompt #98
* Added: Categories as select2 or checkbox #93
* Added: Actions to hook into different sections of the product form
* Added: Missing Handling fee option for product form
* Added: Option to hide categories and attributes
* Added: Template Version detection #73
* Added: Support for both hidden and visible product meta keys
* Added: Coupon Product Id display #42
* Added: Filter for product meta tabs
* Added: Support for hidden and visible custom meta keys on product form
* Added: Vendor application and pending notices #37
* Updated: Removed Vendor Stores Post Type
* Updated: Cleaned up feedback form page #258
* Updated: Ratings display for new release
* Updated: System check for permalink to remove vendor store
* Updated: Changed how prices are output in the product form
* Fixed: Illegal string offset in single store page
* Fixed: Stock status if not managed #255
* Fixed: Edit Product Page doesn’t indicate if product is hidden. #245
* Fixed: Spacing issue for ratings form #240
* Fixed: Pay button for order vanishes when using Pro #238
* Fixed: Index issue with signup settings
* Fixed: Shipping Format #234
* Fixed: Ratings on Superstore #232
* Fixed: Total shipping cannot be null #231
* Fixed: Check for sale price before saving
* Fixed: Variable definition issue
* Fixed: Product Form Checkboxes #229
* Fixed: Product $ Discount Coupons work on all products #225
* Fixed: Order of attribute options #220
* Fixed: ‘Mark Shipped’ Translation Fails causing link to disappear #222
* Fixed: Attributes show as slug instead of name #213
* Fixed: Loading when thousands of orders #209
* Fixed: Pending product text when submitting product #192
* Fixed: Translation issues #188

Version 1.1.5 – 27th December 2015

* Added: New product form options to reduce need to edit templates
* Added: Option to disable deleting products #135
* Added: Changed feedback button on my account if feed back exists #157
* Added: Option to disable view your store #162
* Added: Disable feedback on single product pages #172
* Added: Dashboard quick links #169
* Added: Vendor dashboard notice #170
* Added: Disable Variable Products from Front End Dashboard #173
* Added: Filters for shipping notices #164
* Added: Private listing option for products #202
* Updated: Default shipping options #186
* Fixed: Pro pages not set on activation #185
* Fixed: Select style theme conflicts
* Fixed: Auto updater issue
* Fixed: missing indexes in shipping controller
* Fixed: wp_redirect caching with W3 Total Cache #211
* Removed: Unused logging feature

Version 1.1.4 – 19th December 2015

* Fixed: Critical: All Categories Not Showing #207

Version 1.1.3 – 18th December 2015

* Added: Active class on dashboard menu
* Added: Company / Blog url to settings #167
* Added: Free and disabled check boxes for flat rate shipping
* Added: French translations thanks Marie
* Added: Pinterest URL to social settings #179
* Added: Ratings sort order option #199
* Added: Reset fields when disabled or free shipping checked
* Added: Updated German translations
* Added: Vendor ratings label option for single product page
* Added: Vendor store display actions
* Added: Vendor store display actions v2
* Added: Vendor total ratings on ratings tab #204
* Added: WC Vendors Pro Version constant
* Fixed: Increased API Timeout #177
* Fixed: Missing translation strings #181
* Fixed: Only display shipping panels for vendors on vendor products
* Fixed: Product category drop down manual sorting display
* Fixed: Removed character restriction on rating comments #198
* Fixed: Removed hard coded page styles from the store
* Fixed: Spacing and display issues on vendor ratings panel
* Fixed: Translation issue in form helper #188
* Fixed: Update API for automatic plugin updates
* Fixed: Vendor Shipping disabled still shows panel #205
* Fixed: incorrect reference in template
* Fixed: tooltip display for textarea in form helper
* Updated template versions
* Updated: Page Title to be Translateable
* Updated: Shipping calculations for free and disabled shipping
* Updated: Sold by label references

Version 1.1.2 – 25th November 2015

* Fixed: Removed hard coded page styles from the store
* Added: German Translations thanks Biowomo
* Added: New filter for product meta types
* Fixed: Check to make sure vendor has set shipping details before display on single product page

Version 1.1.1 – 24th November 2015

* Added: Store admins can now create coupons
* Fixed: Custom product meta save thanks Stephen
* Fixed: Store Controller user action #161
* Fixed: Coupons & Commission Rates #110
* Added: Hide Shipping “Classes” on product form #159
* Fixed: Saving shipping class
* Fixed: template path checks
* Added: Per product qty multiplier override for shipping calculations #146
* Fixed: Delete unused shipping meta
* Fixed: Simplified store shipping settings display
* Fixed: Array key issue with store shipping settings
* Fixed: Allow $0 for country rate shipping
* Fixed: Disable shipping completely #154
* Updated: No Permission message in template
* Fixed: Shipment Tracking provider list is displaying incorrectly #153
* Fixed: Critical security error with product permissions #150
* Fixed: Shipping Calculation issue
* Fixed: Rewrite rules bug
* Fixed: Template path error #149
* Added: Filter to override select2 args
* Fixed: select2 styling
* Fixed: custom meta key prefix
* Fixed: Select2 styles a bit broken
* Fixed: Renamed main column class to stop foundation clashes #134 #94
* Fixed: Filters that weren’t working #143
* Fixed: Translate dashboard navigation #141
* Updated: Updated header style class
* Added: Shipping and Return policies to product page #142
* Fixed: Commission panel Missing #136

Version 1.1.0 – 17th November 2015

* Added: Flat Rate / Country Rate Per Product Shipping Module
* Added: Option check to auto flush permalinks on pro settings page
* Added: User edits sync to vendor stores #116
* Fixed: Fatal error on update #121
* Fixed: Changed how dashboard navigation is generated allowing to be translated #126
* Fixed: Overview and reports template calls #124
* Fixed: Loading custom translations #113
* Fixed: Incorrect value used for display thanks ontiuk
* Added: Filters to override product table display
* Fixed: “Stars” not showing on Vendor Ratings for individual products #119
* Added: Spanish Translations (thanks Vincent!)
* Fixed: Sold by in cart item meta
* Fixed: Would still show other admins in sold by
* Fixed: Custom fields code for products and settings
* Added: Shipping Rate table to product
* Fixed: Incorrect filter names on product form
* Fixed: Check if order exists before looping #111
* Fixed: Unable to delete gallery images
* Fixed: Edit product even if disabled #103
* Fixed: Submit draft product live #101
* Added: Ability to edit drafts when can’t submit live products
* Fixed: Theme override for archive and single store pages #100
* Fixed: Simple product as default #106
* Fixed: is_woocommerce filter

Version 1.0.5 – October 31st 2015

* Added: Product gallery upload limit via filter
* Fixed: Cannot redeclare function for is_shop
* Fixed: layout issues in several themes for store fronts
* Added: Filter to override ink style

Version 1.0.4 – October 28th 2015

* Fixed: Fatal error updating WooCommerce #88
* Added: Place holder for featured image on product edit #85
* Fixed: Shipping address on shipping label #87
* Fixed: Allow textarea resize vertical #86
* Fixed: Select2 moved to includes #91
* Fixed: Missing wcvendors-pro-admin.min.js #89
* Update: Removed html buttons and replaced with button class
* Fixed: typography styling issues

Version 1.0.3 – October 26th 2015

* Fixed: Missing div wrapper for product edit form
* Fixed: Sale date schedule incorrect #83
* Added: Filter to change default vendor store name
* Fixed: Dashboard wrapper on sign up form
* Fixed: New Vendor Notification Email not sending #77
* Added: Product short description #76
* Fixed: Ability to use remove_action
* Updated: All templates to include version numbers and information
* Added: Ability to disable view store in pro dashboard #79
* Fixed: Boxed sizing grid issue for some themes
* Added: New system status checks
* Fixed: Plugin URI #81
* Fixed: City town placeholder #78
* Fixed: Add tax to product template #80
* Added: Product Add settings now respected from free
* Fixed: Modal class names
* Update: Order note styles in modal
* Fixed: CSS class name collision #74
* Removed: Datatables from source
* Updated: Missing strings for translations
* Added: More detail to notice when submitting product #65
* Fixed: changed filter priority for redirect #49
* Updated: Language file
* Added: Filter for login redirect #62
* Added: Actions for save product and meta #68
* Fixed: Missing select2 asset #51
* Fixed: removed source maps
* Added: filter to change ratings tab name
* Fixed: translated strings
* Fixed: Added sky to product edit/add page #71
* Updated: All templates now translatable
* Fixed: incorrect filter name for sold by
* Updated: Added ability to use hidden fields for product type

Version 1.0.2 – October 18th 2015

* Added: Filter to override vendor store url
* Fixed: Ratings link incorrect #64
* Fixed: Commission showing for non admins #70
* Updated: Language file
* Fixed: Minified assets now loading
* Updated: New gallery and image layout designs for dashboard
* Updated: Moved all product form data into its own class
* Fixed: Dashboard tables adapted to new grid
* Fixed: Stop loading modals in every column
* Updated: Replaced grid system and front end styles framework
* Added: Ability to override front end css styles
* Fixed: Retrieve vendor paypal if store paypal isn’t set.
* Fixed: Create store when manually changing role
* Added: Vendor dropdown on Vendor Store Page
* Fixed: Redirect to Pro dashboard if applying for vendor
* Fixed: Edit/Delete/View text on
* Fixed: Saving Youtube & Google plus social links
* Fixed: Row action styling in pro dashboard
* Added: Add product url filter
* Fixed: Integrated stores layout into woo commerce layouts
* Fixed: If no store on settings page, create it
* Fixed: Only published stores should be counted
* Added: View my store link in dashboard
* Fixed: PayPal Email Updates, but does not display
* Fixed: Missing images in css
* Fixed: Remove use of php short tags
* Fixed: Util path issue
* Updated: Text for admins viewing dashboard
* Added: Notice for license help
* Fixed: Deactivate license key when deactivating plugin
* Fixed: Fatal activation error due to using shorttags

Version 1.0.1 – 6th October 2015

* Added: Links to help for license issues
* Fixed: Deactivate license key when deactivating plugin
* Fixed: Fatal activation error file not found thanks Jordan!
* Fixed: Missing argument for ratings controller
* Added: Ability to disable entire Pro features
* Removed: data tables front end system
* Fixed: Parse error in ratings admin table
* Fixed: Coupon activation and hooks
* Added: Link to product edit on recent products table
* Fixed: Fatal error if activating before WooCommerce or WC Vendors
* Fixed: Updated labels on up and cross sells
* Added: Note about using existing dashboard page
* Fixed: remove email from description
* Fixed: javascript bug in charts
* Fixed: asset paths for license manager

Version 1.0.0 – 1st October 2015

* First Release

Version – 19th March 2024

  • Bug Fix: Missing vendor directory

Version – 18th March 2024

  • Bug Fix: Payment failing if customer is not logged in yet, and guest checkout is disabled

Version – 27th February 2024

  • Bug Fix: Non-vendor products not getting charged properly

Version – 20th February 2024

  • Improvement: Update Stripe API version
  • Bug Fix: The statement_descriptor parameter is not supported for the payment_method_type card

Version 2.2.2 – 31st January 2024

  • Feature: HPOS Compatibility
  • Improvement: Add filters on all return statements
  • Bug Fix: Missing AU country code for Separate charges and Transfer
  • Bug Fix: Incorrect Links from Plugin Directory
  • Bug Fix: Partial refund gives an incorrect refund amount for the specified quantity
  • Bug Fix: Prevent users not connected to Stripe from importing products

Version 2.2.1 – 14th June 2023

  • * Updated: Upgrade Node version to at least version 18 (#171)
  • * Updated: More Information regarding the error in Order Notes (#169)
  • * Updated: Saved cards not being used when Stripe modal is active (#166)
  • * Updated: Declare HPOS incompatibility. (#167)
  • * Updated: PHPCS rules for WC Vendors Gateway Stripe Connect (#156)
  • * Fixed: Transfers the commission to the vendors multiple times (#170)
  • * Fixed: Automatic renewals (#157)
  • * Fixed: Fatal error when enabling WC Vendors Stripe Connect without WC Vendors Marketplace (#168)
  • * Fixed: The shipping fee and tax is not collected when commission is 100% (#158)
  • * Added: GitHub templates (#159)
  • * Fixed: Vendor Per Order Limitation Active
  • * Fixed: Customer source delete
  • * Fixed: Deprecated: Required parameter on the checkout page
  • * Fixed: Vendor Per Order Limitation Active
  • * Fixed: 404 error when retrieving customer source
  • * Fixed: Customer source delete
  • * Fixed: No such source error when retrieving charge

Version 2.2.0 – 10th January 2023

* Added: Stripe Checkout Gateway #131
* Updated: Stripe API 2022-11-15 #140
* Fixed: Typo on email templates #139
* Fixed: Marketplace commission not paid when customer uses Vendor Coupon #137
* Fixed: Commissions collection not occurring for automatic subscription renewals #128

Version 2.1.1 – 30th May 2022

* Added: Bancontact #125
* Fixed: Refund failed #124
* Fixed: Admins unable to refund admin orders #116

Version 2.1.0 – 17th January 2022

* Added: Support for scheduled and manual pay outs #103
* Updated: Make all shipping lines with vendor items refundable by default
* Updated: Option for stripe fee split for vendors on separate transfers payments #74
* Updated: Compatibility with latest WooCommerce and WordPress Versions
* Updated: Stripe PHP Library for PHP8 support
* Fixed: Translation issues due to two text domains #101
* Fixed: Can not reusable source #99
* Fixed: While using WC Vendors Marketplace with WC Vendors Stripe Connect, “Click here to disconnect your Stripe account” link in WP dashboard does not work #91
* Fixed: Stripe checkout shows even when not selected payment method
* Fixed: Order level fees not being captured during payment #87
* Fixed: Application fee is being applied when commission is 100% and a vendor coupon is used
* Fixed: Incorrect stripe fee for vendors on separate transfers payments #74
* Fixed: CSRF Verification fails 3d Secure with Separate Charges & Transfers and generating accounts

Version 2.0.8 – 17th June 2020

* Fixed: Direct charges error with more than 1 vendor in cart for new Stripe accounts #70

Version 2.0.7 – 15th April 2020

* Added: Transfer description #63
* Added: Stripe API Version to API calls
* Added: CSS id to custom page
* Added: Source transaction to Transfer args
* Fixed: Separate Charges and Transfers automatic commission transfer #64
* Fixed: Force Disconnect White screen #48
* Fixed: Redirect url
* Updated: Plugin prefix

Version 2.0.6 – 21st December 2019

Fixed: Can not continue checkout if entering wrong CVC #61
Fixed: Saving card issue for logged in customer.
Fixed: Duplicated email classes declaration.

Version 2.0.5 – 12th December 2019

* Fixed: Anonymous checkout.

Version 2.0.4 – 7th December 2019

* Fixed: Attached to the customer beforehand #13 (#58)
* Fixed: Order Actions in WP-Admin empty #55 (#56)
Version 2.0.3 – 6th December 2019

* Added: Setting to disable refund #43.
* Added: Allow using Stripe Default redirect URI.
* Fixed: Commission recording issue.
* Fixed: Force disconnect redirects to incorrect dashboard #34.
* Fixed: Direct Charge: Refund failed if the commission is set to 100% #39.
* Updated: Improving the vendor refund process #42.
* Updated: Improving plugin log.
* Updated: Remove the webhook setting.

Version 2.0.2 – 4th October 2019

* Fixed: Checkout error when the commission is disabled.

Version 2.0.1 – 27th September 2019

* Added: Displaying exact redirect URI in setting page.
* Fixed: Log doesn’t work.
* Fixed: Can’t switch to live mode.
* Fixed: Connect error when the marketplace use Separate Charges and Transfers.

Version 2.0.0 – 22th September 2019

* Added: Complete rewrite allowing quicker feature implementation and updates.
* Added: Support SCA for new payments regulation in Europe.
* Added: Replace Charge API with PaymentIntent API to process payment.
* Added: Support 3-D Secure cards.
* Added: Refund and refund request for vendors to create and manage refunds.
* Added: Support WC Vendors Woocommerce Subscriptions.

Version 1.0.6 – 20th April 2019

* Fixed: Stripe Checkout always USD #30

Version 1.0.5 – 14th March 2017

* Added: WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility
* Added: Support for non decimal currencies #17
* Added: Process_payment filters and actions #16
* Added: French translations

Version 1.0.4 – 23rd August 2016

* Added: Logging system with option to enable or disable
* Added: Filter to change where disconnect stripe url goes
* Fixed: Mark vendors paid for multiple products
* Fixed: Charges in Stripe are higher than in Woocommerce #15

Version 1.0.3 – 22nd March 2016

* Added: Default language file for translations with text domain wcv_stripe_connect
* Fixed: Marks all commissions as “paid” #10
* Fixed: Changed how stripe initialises #11
* Fixed: Commissions Paid to Admin wrong #12
* Fixed: Stripe’s Saved Card info not displaying correctly #9
* Fixed: Check commission paid on per product basis
* Fixed: Added checks to only fire when required

Version 1.0.2 – 21st September 2015

* Added: da_DK Danish Translation (Thanks Bjorn) #5
* Updated: Credit card icons on checkout page will now only show credit cards that your country accepts (Thanks Bjorn) #6

Version 1.0.1 – 31st August 2015

* Now supports all 135 currencies that Stripe supports #4

Version 1.0.0 – 6th July 2015

* Initial release

Version – 22nd February 2024

  • Bug Fix: The upgrade membership button not working, and redirects only to the pro dashboard

Version 1.2.1 – 31st January 2024

  • Feature: HPOS compatibility
  • Bug Fix: Membership commission is not working
  • Bug Fix: Membership signup link

Version 1.2.0 – 15th June 2022

  • * Fixed: Product Creation Limit reached when limit is set to 0 (#69)
  • * Fixed: Vendors that have access in WP dashboard can see the message “Your marketplace requires membership but doesn’t have any membership product. Create new one here. ” and create vendor membership from their end. (#63)
  • * Fixed: “Allowed Categories” not applying properly after admin edit (#60)
  • * Fixed: Product creation limit gets by-passed through duplicating products (#58)
  • * Fixed: When product limitation is set as 0 (unlimited) the actual product limitation is 0/0 (#55)
  • * Fixed: Can’t assign a tax class to a membership product (#54)

Version 1.1.3 – 10th Sep 2021
* Updated: Development tools
* Fixed: Allow zero percent commissions to be used
* Fixed: Vendors see admin notices in wp-admin

Version 1.1.2 – 03rd May 2021
* Updated: Tested to the latest version of WordPress and WooCommerce
* Updated: Added another check to ensure imports don’t create orphaned memberships
* Updated: Fixed deprecated call
* Updated: Code clean up
* Fixed: Can’t assign a tax class to a membership product

Version 1.1.1 – 29th August 2020
Fixed: Membership does not show up in dashboard >> settings >> membership #51
Updated: WooCommerce Tested to 4.5

Version 1.1.0 – 8th July 2020
* Fixed: Html displaying on commission.
* Fixed: Set product limit to 0 will always set it to 10
* Fixed: Conflict with simple auctions
* Fixed: Membership tab not rendering correctly on Signup form
* Updated: Grammar in dashboard
* Updated: Remove unnecessary code.
* Updated: Add styles to page if content has shortcode.
* Updated: Tested to 4.0.1 and WordPress 5.4
* Added: Add membership plans shortcode.
* Added: Filter to filter commission output

Version 1.0.3 – 21st October 2019

* Fixed: Show Unlimited instead of 0 in the pricing box.
* Added: Settings link to plugin actions.
* Fixed: Wrong membership number in admin detail screen.

Version 1.0.2 – 4th May 2019

* Updated: Better handling list screen when the parent subscription is deleted.
* Fixed: Correct all text domain.

Version 1.0.1 – 10th April 2019

* Added: Free trial for memberships
* Fixed: Membership sign up hook position

Version 1.0.0 – 11th march 2019

* Initial release

Version – 24th September 2024

  • Bug Fix: Site Crashes with latest update of WC Vendors

Version – 7th May 2024

  • Bug Fix: Update the license page

Version 1.0.1 – 6th May 2024

  • Feature: Implement new license manager and license page settings
  • Improvement: Declare incompatible with WC Cart/Checkout blocks
  • Improvement: Dev tool
  • Improvement: Taxjar API request header
  • Bug Fix: Fatal error on path for the settings page
  • Bug Fix: Disable the Automatic Tax Calculations option from the vendor’s dashboard causing an issue when unchecked

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial Release

Version – 24th May 2024

  • Bug Fix: Cannot activate the license

Version 1.1.5 – 23rd May 2024

  • Feature: Implement new license manager and license page settings
  • Improvement: Subscription Renewal Email for Vendors
  • Bug Fix: Order notes duplicating and sometimes not posted

Version 1.1.4 – 31st January 2024

  • Feature: Implement HPOS Compatibility
  • Improvement: Check Pro version
  • Bug Fix: The simple product prices show when adding a simple subscription

Version 1.1.3 – 16th June 2022

  • * Fixed: Function ID was called incorrectly
  • * Fixed: Multiplies the order count notification from the admin’s dashboard

Version 1.1.2 – 27th April 2021

* Fixed: Subscription fields not showing when product type changes (#67)
* Updated: comment structure

Version 1.1.1 – 7th July 2020

* Fixed: Hide and show subscription fields only when adding or editing subscription.
* Fixed: Saving empty price.
* Fixed: Variable products shows tax status fields but simple doesn’t

Version 1.1.0 – 13th May 2020

* Added: Limit Subscription option for dashboard #48
* Added: CSS id to menu page
* Updated: Tested to WooCommerce 4.1.0 and WordPress 5.4.1
* Fixed: variable products shows tax status fields but simple products doesn’t #44
* Fixed: Sale price does not change while WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscription is active #51

Version 1.0.1 – 21st September 2019

* Fixed: Javascript console error on WC Vendors Pro Dashboard #45
* Updated: Exclude map files and vendor folder from the release.

Version 1.0.0 – 3rd September 2019

* Initial Release

Version 1.2.4 – 31st January 2024

  • Feature: HPOS compatibility

Version 1.2.3 – 29th July 2021

  • * Updated: Update datepicker to use Flatpickr from WC Vendors Pro

Version 1.2.2 – 27th April 2021

* Added: New build tools
* Updated: Support for PHP8
* Fixed: Compatibility with WordPress 5.7.0
* Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.1.0
* Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce Simple Auctions 1.2.40

Version 1.2.1 – 3rd April 2020

* Fixed: Filter auction products on pro dashboard
* Fixed: Compatibility with WordPress 5.4
* Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0.1
* Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce Simple Auctions 1.2.37

Version 1.2.0 – 3rd February 2020

* Updated: Virtual and downloadable products supported
* Update: Replace jQuery UI DatePicker with Flatpickr
* Fixed: Time picker’s slider does not function in mobile devices #11

Version 1.1.3 – 24th September 2019

* Fixed: Auction products not showing on pro dashboard if don’t mix products is enabled
* Fixed: Buy it now showing for the auction product

Version 1.1.2 – 2nd April 2019

* Fixed: Regular price not saving on simple products
* Updated: Langauge file

Version 1.1.1 – 14th March 2019

* Fixed: Attributes not showing for simple product
* Fixed: Fatal error on edit non auction products
* Updated: Purchase URL

Version 1.1.0 – 6th March 2019

* Added: License update system
* Added: Relist auction functionality
* Added: Sealed auctions support
* Updated: Readme file
* Fixed: Date and time format for product listing page
* Fixed: Buy it Now price not showing on single product page

Version 1.0.4 – September 26th 2016

* Added: Start / End Times to auction times #5
* Added: Automated language file builds

Version 1.0.3 – May 4th 2016

* Fixed: Product Type not showing on front end

Version 1.0.2 – Feburary 13th 2016

* Fixed: Buy it now price display on auction tab

Version 1.0.1 – January 27th 2016

* Fixed: Non-Auction Prices do not save #3
* Fixed: Add/Save Product Button missing #2

Version 1.0.0 – January 10th 2016

* Initial Release

Version 1.4.4 – 13th May 2024

  • Feature: Implement new license manager and license page settings
  • Improvement: Remove “Connect with Google” if connected
  • Improvement: Add a Tooltip explaining the difference between Google Sync Preference
  • Bug Fix: Enable Calendar Range Picker option showing with the Fixed blocks option
  • Bug Fix: Bookable product settings not getting saved

Version – 27th February 2024

  • Bug Fix: Wrong installation folder name
  • Bug Fix: Bookable product settings not getting saved

Version 1.4.3 – 31st January 2024

  • Feature: Implement HPOS Compatibility
  • Improvement: Commit built JS and CSS
  • Improvement: Open the Manage Resources page in a new tab

Version 1.4.2 – 26th April 2023

  • Fixed: Google Calendar’s “Not available” event not syncing to the bookable product
  • Fixed: Fatal error on Google Calendar connect page
  • Fixed: Missing customer for manual booking
  • Updated: Display Google Calendar events in vendor calendar
  • Updated: Sync google calendar event with global availability

Version 1.4.1 – 13th June 2022

* Added: Dev tools
* Added: Allow vendors to create a manual booking
* Added: Hooked into pro dashboard permission checks to check booking objects
* Fixed: Auto confirm the paid booking as no requires confirmation
* Fixed: Filter redirect to dashboard page when the select date in the calendar

Version 1.4.0 – 4th August 2021

* Updated: Datepicker updated to use Flatpickr from Pro
* Fixed: Missing fields #92
* Fixed: Extra product was created after link resource to new product #87
* Fixed: Resources not being added correctly #84
* Fixed: Availability – Ranges not being selected and displayed in the fields #83

Version 1.3.3 – 8th March 2021

* Added: PHP8 compatibility
* Updated: Tested to WP 5.6.2 and WC 5.1
* Fixed: Datepicker icons on main dashboard datepicker when bookings is active
* Fixed: Vendors can assign resources from other vendors

Version 1.3.2 – 4th November 2020

* Updated: Tested with latest WooCommerce and Bookings
* Updated: Deprecated Action Scheduler call #60
* Fixed: Add Range from Availability and Costs tab not working #73
* Fixed: Accommodations Bookings Integration #61 (#72)
* Fixed: Resources not saving and loading for bookable product
* Fixed: Accommodations Product – Options for the “Has person” does not save #64
* Fixed: Conflict with WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions Integration #62
* Fixed: Ranges not saving #65
* Fixed: incorrect text domain
* Fixed: Product type options not showing #57

Version 1.3.1 – 6th April 2020

* Added: CSS id to menu pages
* Updated: Tested to WooCommerce 4.0.1 and WordPress 5.4
* Fixed: Warning when Accommodation Bookings is not enabled

Verison 1.3.0 – 3rd February 2020

* Added: Support for WooCommerce Accommodation Bookings #37
* Added: Google calendar sync integration
* Fixed: Deprecated function #51
* Fixed: Select2 styles on the bookings calendar month page #52
* Fixed: Product type selector missing booking product

Version 1.2.0 – 24th December 2018

* Added: New settings capabilities to disable bookings capabilities
* Fixed: Tax fields not showing on product edit form
* Fixed: Time formats on calendars to reflect WordPress settings
* Fixed: Add product disabled on bookings screen if capability disabled
* Fixed: Scroll on day view for calendar
* Fixed: Subject Pending and Pending header not working for vendor email #42

Version 1.1.1 – 24th August 2018

* Added: Booking Cancelled Email – Vendor #39
* Added: Costs doesn’t have equals #35
* Added: Update person title for person before saving
* Updated: Required notices #33
* Fixed: Duplicate cancellation emails to vendors
* Fixed: Email notification sent to the wrong user
* Fixed: Add person types not working correctly
* Fixed: No Numeric error #36
* Fixed: Booking Status updates required #34
* Fixed: Field type

* Templates Added:

Version 1.1.0 – 17th May 2018

* Added: Add link to booking from order details #31
* Added: Support for WC Vendors 2.0 and WC Vendors Pro 1.5.1
* Fixed: Persons & Resources can only be added one line at a time #32
* Fixed: Persons Type display and save
* Fixed: Trigger panels on load.
* Fixed: Unable to save booking product from admin
* Fixed: Inconsistent time fields
* Fixed: Issues with product saving correctly
* Fixed: Resource TYPE title does not change #24
* Fixed: Typos and Person types not hiding #28
* Fixed: Admin cannot edit Vendor Created Bookable Products #23

Version 1.0.2 – 16th October 2017

* Added: Permission check for booking objects to stop url manipulation #20
* Added: WooCommerce Bookings Restrict Start Days Function #14
* Added: Flush rewrite rules on activation to ensure dashboard links work
* Fixed: Incorrect path for resources availabitliy table
* Fixed: Require Buffer Period is Missing ‘minutes between bookings’ under availability tab #16
* Fixed: Bookings calendar view is not showing the bookings #19
* Fixed: Booking status display
* Fixed: Bookings that were in cart are showing to vendor #22
* Fixed: New vendors see all bookings #18
* Fixed: Fatal error seen under pro dashboard bookings tab #17
* Fixed: Minute time segments are not working; “minutes” should be “minute” #13
* Fixed: Date Range Base Cost & Block cost tool tips #12

Version 1.0.1 – 12th July 2017

* Added: WooCommerce bookings install checks
* Added: Filter to remove product type options
* Updated: Language file
* Fixed: Language Translation issues #8
* Fixed: Booking status on disabled form
* Fixed: Undefined variable: post #11
* Fixed: Undefined variable: resource #10
* Fixed: Disable form if booking is cancelled
* Fixed: Incorrect text domain for translations
* Fixed: Disable booking actions not working #9
* Fixed: Fields loading too early to filter
* Fixed: After Confirmation/Authorization, Bookings are not Shown in Dashboard #4
* Fixed: Email Template Warnings #2
* Fixed: Calendar View shows All Bookings Incl. Other Vendors #3

Version 1.0.0 – 14th March 2017

* Initial Release

Complete Your Purchase