Custom Product Edit Templates

Introduced in version 1.4.0 WC Vendor Pro, you can create your own custom product templates. If you have different kinds of products that you would like to provide custom templates for you can now add multiple templates to your theme template overrides. This means that if you have an auction or booking product you can create custom product edit forms for these. The product edit buttons for these custom forms will be automatically added to the product screen in the dashboard.

All you have to do is name the template product-{customname}.php. You can also add a label template tag to change the button label. Otherwise, the button label is generated based on the custom name

For Example 

Two new files have been added to our theme’s custom template overrides with the following names

  • product-mynewtemplate.php

This will output the following add product buttons.

The result follows this URL format – /product/custom-name/edit. In this case, it would result in this – /product/my_new_template/edit.

This is the source code example of this template.

 * Use the label template tag to change the display label for your custom template
 * Label: My New Template
 * The template for displaying the Product edit form
 * Override this template by copying it to yourtheme/wc-vendors/dashboard/
 * @package    WCVendors_Pro
 * @version    1.6.2
$title      = ( is_numeric( $object_id ) ) ? __( 'Save Changes', 'wcvendors-pro' ) : __( 'Add Product', 'wcvendors-pro' );
$page_title = ( is_numeric( $object_id ) ) ? __( 'Edit Product', 'wcvendors-pro' ) : __( 'Add Product', 'wcvendors-pro' );
$product    = ( is_numeric( $object_id ) ) ? wc_get_product( $object_id ) : null;
$post       = ( is_numeric( $object_id ) ) ? get_post( $object_id ) : null;
// Get basic information for the product
$product_title             = ( isset( $product ) && null !== $product ) ? $product->get_title() : '';
$product_description       = ( isset( $product ) && null !== $product ) ? $post->post_content : '';
$product_short_description = ( isset( $product ) && null !== $product ) ? $post->post_excerpt : '';
$post_status               = ( isset( $product ) && null !== $product ) ? $post->post_status : '';
 *  Ok, You can edit the template below but be careful!
<h2><?php echo $page_title; ?></h2>
<?php do_action( 'wcvendors_before_product_form' ); ?>
<!-- Product Edit Form -->
<form method="post" action="" id="wcv-product-edit" class="wcv-form">
	<!-- Basic Product Details -->
	<div class="wcv-product-basic wcv-product">
		<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_product_details', $object_id ); ?>
		<!-- Product Title -->
		<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::title( $object_id, $product_title ); ?>
		<!-- Product Description -->
		<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::description( $object_id, $product_description ); ?>
		<!-- Product Short Description -->
		<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::short_description( $object_id, $product_short_description ); ?>
		<!-- Product Categories -->
		<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::categories( $object_id ); ?>
		<!-- Product Tags -->
		<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::tags( $object_id, true ); ?>
		<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_product_details', $object_id ); ?>
	<div class="all-100">
		<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_product_media', $object_id ); ?>
		<!-- Media uploader -->
		<div class="wcv-product-media">
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_media', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php WCVendors_Pro_Form_helper::product_media_uploader( $object_id ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_media', $object_id ); ?>
		<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_product_media', $object_id ); ?>
	<div class="all-100">
		<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_product_type', $object_id ); ?>
		<!-- Product Type -->
		<div class="wcv-product-type">
			<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::product_type( $object_id ); ?>
		<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_product_type', $object_id ); ?>
	<div class="all-100">
		<div class="wcv-tabs top" data-prevent-url-change="true">
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_product_meta_tabs', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::product_meta_tabs(); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_general_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<!-- General Product Options -->
			<div class="wcv-product-general tabs-content" id="general">
				<div class="hide_if_grouped">
					<!-- SKU  -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::sku( $object_id ); ?>
					<!-- Private listing  -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::private_listing( $object_id ); ?>
				<div class="options_group show_if_external">
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::external_url( $object_id ); ?>
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::button_text( $object_id ); ?>
				<div class="show_if_simple show_if_external">
					<!-- Price and Sale Price -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::prices( $object_id ); ?>
				<div class="show_if_simple show_if_external show_if_variable">
					<!-- Tax -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::tax( $object_id ); ?>
				<div class="show_if_downloadable" id="files_download">
					<!-- Downloadable files -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::download_files( $object_id ); ?>
					<!-- Download Limit -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::download_limit( $object_id ); ?>
					<!-- Download Expiry -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::download_expiry( $object_id ); ?>
					<!-- Download Type -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::download_type( $object_id ); ?>
				<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_general_product_data', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_general_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_inventory_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<!-- Inventory -->
			<div class="wcv-product-inventory inventory_product_data tabs-content" id="inventory">
				<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::manage_stock( $object_id ); ?>
				<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_stock', $object_id ); ?>
				<div class="stock_fields show_if_simple show_if_variable">
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::stock_qty( $object_id ); ?>
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::backorders( $object_id ); ?>
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::low_stock_threshold( $object_id ); ?>
				<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::stock_status( $object_id ); ?>
				<div class="options_group show_if_simple show_if_variable">
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::sold_individually( $object_id ); ?>
				<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_sold_individually', $object_id ); ?>
				<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_inventory_product_data', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_inventory_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_shipping_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<!-- Shipping  -->
			<div class="wcv-product-shipping shipping_product_data tabs-content" id="shipping">
				<div class="hide_if_grouped hide_if_external">
					<!-- Shipping rates  -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::shipping_rates( $object_id ); ?>
					<!-- weight  -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::weight( $object_id ); ?>
					<!-- Dimensions -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::dimensions( $object_id ); ?>
					<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_dimensions', $object_id ); ?>
					<!-- shipping class -->
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::shipping_class( $object_id ); ?>
					<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_shipping', $object_id ); ?>
					<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_shipping_data_panel', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_shipping_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_linked_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<!-- Upsells and grouping -->
			<div class="wcv-product-upsells tabs-content" id="linked_product">
				<div class="show_if_grouped hide_if_external">
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::grouped_products( $object_id, $product ); ?>
				<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::up_sells( $object_id ); ?>
				<div class="hide_if_grouped hide_if_external">
					<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::crosssells( $object_id ); ?>
				<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_upsells_product_data' ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_linked_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<!-- Attributes -->
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_attributes_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<div class="wcv_product_attributes tabs-content" id="attributes">
				<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::product_attributes( $object_id ); ?>
				<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_attributes_product_data', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_attributes_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<!-- Variations -->
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_variations_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<div class="wcv_product_variations tabs-content" id="variations">
				<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::product_variations( $object_id ); ?>
				<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_options_variations_product_data', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_variations_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<!-- Product SEO -->
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_before_seo_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<div class="wcv_product_seo tabs-content" id="seo">
				<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::product_seo( $object_id ); ?>
				<?php do_action( 'wcv_product_seo_data' ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv-after_seo_tab', $object_id ); ?>
			<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::form_data( $object_id, $post_status ); ?>
			<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::save_button( $title ); ?>
			<?php WCVendors_Pro_Product_Form::draft_button( __( 'Save Draft', 'wcvendors-pro' ) ); ?>
			<?php do_action( 'wcv_after_product_meta_tabs', $object_id ); ?>
<?php do_action( 'wcvendors_after_product_form' ); ?>
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