Templates Overview

WC Vendors includes a powerful template system that allows you to customize various templates within the front end of your marketplace. These templates can be overridden by making a copy of the template in your themes directory. We recommend that all your theme overrides should be performed in a child theme. This will ensure upgrade-safe changes.

Our template structure

Our templates are organized into 5 main areas.

Template areaApplies to
dashboardVendor dashboard templates.
emailsEmail templates for all emails. (Read our Email documentation here)
frontTemplates related to general frontend features such as the vendor directory list
productTemplates related to vendor products
storeAll templates related to the vendor stores

How to override a template

To override a template you will need to make a copy from the plugin version into your theme’s directory. All templates except emails will be located in the following location. YOURTHEME is the placeholder for your theme’s slug. For example, a storefront child theme would be

These templates are found in the templates directory of the plugins.

  • wc-vendors/templates
  • wc-vendors-pro/templates

The theme overrides would be in the following example locations

  • /wp-content/themes/storefront-child/wc-vendors/

To override the WC Vendors Pro dashboard template you would copy the dashboard.php template into the correct location for this file.

Copy templates/dashboard/dashboard.php to /wp-content/themes/storefront-child/wc-vendors/dashboard/dashboard.php

The following two articles outline the various templates in our two core products


Some new users might copy all the template files to their theme. You should only copy the files that you will be overriding. If you copy all the template files over, you will be required to maintain and manage a lot of extra templates that will not be used. This can also cause issues when we add new features or update existing features.

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