Home Forums WC Vendors Pro Support Woocommerce coupons working with WC Vendors Pro Reply To: Woocommerce coupons working with WC Vendors Pro

Adam Davison

Hi Anna,

Thank you very much for replying and clarifying that.

I did read this part of the documentation which says that want I want to do is possible, but I would have to collaborate with the sellers so they can create coupons/codes (which wouldn’t be a problem).

Am I understanding correctly from this :-

Configuring your Commissions.

Also on this page is the Coupon Action. If you allow Vendors to issue coupons, this determines who takes the hit for the coupon charge. If you choose “After”, that means the Vendor gets the total price including the coupons discount. If you choose Before, it means the vendor gets the total price ignoring the coupons discount, which means the admin takes the commission hit.
