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  4. Product Reports Settings Overview

Product Reports Settings Overview

In WC Vendors Pro v1.8.3, we have introduced a new feature for reporting products. It allows users to report the products of the supplier in your marketplace. This will lead to your community assisting in keeping your marketplace clean.


Report product

Customers can report any product that they think does not comply with the marketplace regulations. Vendors can report products of other vendors as well. All reports will be sent to the marketplace admin.

This form will show when clicking on the Report item button on the single product page

If users have reported a product then they can’t report that product again.

Admin manage reports

All reports will appear at WP Dashboard > WC Vendors > Product Reports.

Admin can: Accept, ignore, adjust, and respond to the reporter or vendors

Accept the report

When the admin accepts the report. The product will be soft-deleted and vendors will receive an email to notify them about that. The report status will be closed.

Ignore the report

If the admin ignores the report, then the report status will be closed.

Adjust the report

The vendors will receive an email notifying them that their product needs an adjustment and the product will be hidden from the marketplace.


The admin is presented with a form to respond to the report. The admin can write a note and choose who the response goes to, either the vendor or the reporter. There is also an option to delete the product during the response.

product report response form
Product report response form

Report product settings

All settings of the report product feature are located in WC Vendors > Settings > Product Reports. Here you can add more reasons for the report and enable/disable the admin notification email when a new report has been created.

Enable/disable the product reports feature

Some users have their own product reporting system. So we have provided an option to be able to turn off our product reporting system

Report product reasons

Default, we have provided you with some default reasons, you can add more reasons by clicking on the Add row button. All reasons that you have added will be merged with the default reason when displayed on the front end. You can delete default reasons also.

Notification email

If this option is enabled, when a new report is created the marketplace admin will receive an email to notify about the report.

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