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I will try to help you understand, yes.
First of all, you have settings in which you can choose a commission amount to pay to the vendor when one of their items sells. So, if you were to choose “90”, the vendor will receive 90% of the sale and the admin would receive 10%.

The payment flow can differ depending on what payment gateway/processor you use.
1. If you use PayPal Adaptive Payments: https://www.wcvendors.com/kb/configuring-paypal-adaptive-payments/ (parallel NOT chained) then you can choose to have the payments paid instantly.. the commissions split would happen at checkout, with the vendors portion going to their paypal account, and the admin payment going to the admin paypal account.
2. If you use our Stripe Commissions & Gateway plugin https://www.wcvendors.com/product/stripe-commissions-gateway/ your vendors will connect their Stripe account to your marketplace, and then they will receive their commissions to their Stripe account at checkout, and admin will receive admin portion.

3. If you use any other payment gateway (as of right now, those are the only two we have that split instantly), you the ADMIN will receive all payments from customers. Your Commissions log will show the due commissions for the vendors (wp admin > woocommerce > commissions) and you can pay your vendors their due commissions and mark them PAID after you have done so. you can choose to pay your vendors using whatever method you wish.

Let me know if you need further clarification or more help.
You may also learn more by viewing our Knowledge base and/or our Docs site:
Knowledge base: https://www.wcvendors.com/kb/
Docs: http://docs.wcvendors.com/

As well as our dev site (this also has WC Vendors Pro installed, so bear that in mind…): https://dev.wcvendors.com