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  5. Available Widgets For WC Vendors
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  4. Available Widgets For WC Vendors

Available Widgets For WC Vendors

Please Note:

WordPress 5.8 replaces the existing widget screen with a new block-based editor screen. To use our widgets, you will need to install the Classic Widgets plugin.

WC Vendors Pro provides ten specialized widgets to enhance and enrich the customer and the vendor experience as they shop and interact on your marketplace.

These widgets are available with your other WordPress and WooCommerce widgets by visiting WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.

These widgets are:

  • WC Vendors Pro Contact Store
  • WC Vendors Pro Recent Products
  • WC Vendors Pro Store Address and Map
  • WC Vendors Pro Store Ratings
  • WC Vendors Pro Store Search
  • WC Vendors Pro Store Short Description
  • WC Vendors Pro Store Social Media
  • WC Vendors Pro Vendor Search (search for a vendor)
  • WC Vendors Pro Store Categories
  • WC Vendors Pro Store Total Sales

Each of these widgets and their function is explained below.

Contact Store

This widget can output the contact details for the store including

  • Store Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Email Contact Form

The contact form will show in the selected widgetized area on the vendor’s Store page only.

The email form provides a simple contact form so that customers can email a message to the vendors. This includes its own template that can be customized like any other WooCommerce Email can.

Recent Products

This widget allows you to display recent vendor products. The following settings are available.

  • Title: The title for the widget in the sidebar
  • Number of products: Determines how many products to show:
  • Show average rating: Show the product’s average star rating
  • Show main image: Show a product image
  • Image Size: The product image size you want to display. These sizes are determined by your theme.
  • Show excerpt: Show a product excerpt.
  • Excerpt length: How many characters to use in the excerpt?

WC Vendors Pro Store Address and Map

If the store has a physical address you can include their address and an embedded Google map to the location. You will need to get a Google Maps API key for this to work, however, once you have this key the map will render. You will need to enable Geolocation in the Google Maps API.

This will only appear on the vendor store page.

WC Vendors Pro Store Ratings

This widget will allow you to display recent vendor store ratings in the chosen widgetized area.

When used on a vendor store page, this search will only return results from within that vendor’s store.  It functions as a normal WooCommerce shop search (all products from all vendors) when used on a marketplace shop page.

WC Vendors Store Short Description

This widget will display the vendor’s short description so that you can provide a bit more context to the Vendor Store pages.

WC Vendors Pro Store Social Media

The store social media widget provides a link to all social media currently listed in the settings area for the vendors.

This widget provides a search bar that will allow visitors to the site to search for a specific vendor.

You need to have the WC Vendors Pro vendor list page set in order to use this widget, so please ensure that you have a page created on your site with this shortcode [wcv_pro_vendorlist].

The search results will be displayed using the same style as the WC Vendors Pro vendor list.

WC Vendors Pro Store Categories

This widget will allow you to display categories on the vendor store page.  this will only display the categories in which the vendor has products listed, and the products displayed within that category will only be those from the respective vendor store.

WC Vendors Pro Vendor Store Total Sales

The Vendor Total Sales will display the total sales a vendor has had while selling on your marketplace.  Admin can choose how to label this field (i.e. total sales, my sales, items sold) in wp admin > wc vendors > settings > display > labels.

This will appear in the store banner for the vendors, and can be also used in the new widget available in wp-admin > appearance > widgets: WC Vendors Pro Store Total Sales.

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