Override Partial Path

We use partials within our system to separate our logic from our display code. There are partials across our code base that can be overridden if required. This allows developers to hook into the structure of our output when a template is not available. We chose not to include all our partials in our templating system to ensure that core functionality works as expected. We provide path filters for all partials so these can be hooked into them if needed.


There are several partials that are not included in the dashboard templates as these should only be overridden if you have a particular need to. The following example will override the partial for the dashboard wrapper partial.


You will need to create a folder in your themes folder for the partials to be located. In this example the partials are located in /wc-vendors/partials/

add_filter( 'wcvendors_pro_dashboard_open_path', 'wcv_override_dashboard_open_path' ); 
function wcv_override_dashboard_open_path( $path ){
	$path = get_stylesheet_directory(). '/wc-vendors/partials/wcvendors-pro-dashboard-open.php'; 
	return $path; 

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