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  5. How to Run WC Vendors Pro Setup Wizard?

How to Run WC Vendors Pro Setup Wizard?

When you install WC Vendors Pro, the setup wizard prompts you to configure various pro settings to assist with marketplace setup.

Step 1 – Start


The general options allow you to lock the vendors out of the wp-admin area as WC Vendors Pro provides a complete front-end dashboard. The other option is the login redirect. By default, vendors will be redirected to their customer my-account page. You can change this so that they are redirected to their Pro dashboard instead.

Commission settings

WC Vendors Pro comes with several more commission options and you can update your commission settings if you choose to here.

Step 2 – Capabilities

The vendor capabilities page shows the vendor dashboard options that you can disable. Only check the options you want to disable.

Step 2 – Capabilities

Step 3 – Pages

WC Vendors Pro has two additional pages when you install. There is a second, more advanced dashboard page installed as well as a feedback page. The feedback page is required to allow customers to provide feedback to vendors after a purchase.

Step 3 – Pages

Step 4 – Ready

The setup wizard is now complete. From here you can go directly to the form settings and start configuring the forms for the vendor’s product edit, coupons, and settings pages.

Step 4 – Ready

Update Prompt

Whenever you update WC Vendors Pro, you may be prompted with a “Run Update” notice. This updater is required to ensure your database settings are correct for new versions.

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