Getting Started

How to Install WC Vendors Marketplace plugin?

WC Vendors Marketplace is available on the Plugins repository and can be easily installed from the WordPress admin area. Requirements Please...

How to Run WC Vendors Marketplace Setup Wizard?

After you have installed and activated WC Vendors Marketplace you are prompted to run our setup wizard. This will help...

How to Run WC Vendors Pro Setup Wizard?

When you install WC Vendors Pro, the setup wizard prompts you to configure various pro settings to assist with marketplace...

WC Vendors Server Recommendations

WC Vendors Marketplace and WC Vendors Pro have the following technical requirements. All of our plugins are an extension of...

How To Set Up Vendor Registrations

Vendor registration is handled via the WooCommerce registration system. Users register from the WooCommerce my-account page, and then check the...