How To Set Up Payment Gateways

WC Vendors supports every WooCommerce compatible payment gateway for taking payments from your customers. There are payment gateways available for pretty much every country in the world and for your particular marketplace. There are free and paid payment gateway solutions available. You can find some of these on the WooCommerce Extensions marketplace here.

How do customers pay? 

Whenever a customer places an order they will pay for this at checkout. You can use any WooCommerce payment gateway to process this payment. WC Vendors will log all earnings the vendors make into the commissions’ table and they will be listed as due. This means that they have not been paid out yet. The commission will only show in the commissions table once the order is set to processing. In WooCommerce that usually means that the payment has been processed.

Payment flow explained

  1. A customer browses your marketplace and adds products to their cart
  2. They proceed to checkout where they are provided a list of payment gateways, such as Stripe Connect
  3. They pay with their credit card and the order is marked as Processing or Completed.
  4. When the payment is confirmed the system will then be triggered to calculate and store the earnings (commissions) due for the vendor(s)
  5. The transaction with the customer is now complete
  6. You have the payment for the total order in your account

Now that the customer has paid and you have received the payment from them, you have earnings owed to the vendors.

Depending on the payment gateway you use, your vendors may be paid their commission and the time of sale or it might be scheduled. You can find out about how to pay out your vendors in the following article.

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