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The First change you would need to make would involve modifying the product-edit.php template.
If you have not modified our templates, yet,please see this article first:

You’ll need to change one of the first lines in this template (wp content/plugins/wcvendors-pro/templates/dashboard/product-edit.php

Approx line 15:
$title = ( is_numeric( $object_id ) ) ? __('Save Changes', 'wcvendors-pro') : __('Add Product', 'wcvendors-pro');

Change Add Product to your desired text. That will change the page title and the button at the bottom.

The second change unfortunately involved changing a core file since there is not yet a filter there. I will request that there be a filter added there if possible, so any changes made in the future will be update-safe.

For now, though, if you want to change the button at the top of the product page, you need to edit the text found in this file:
approx line 18: <a href="<?php echo $add_url; ?>" class="wcv-button button"><?php echo __('Add Product', 'wcvendors-pro' ); ?></a>

This is not a template- so you do not move the file. It would need to be directly modified in the plugin folder.