Home Forums Plugin or Theme Compatibility Offers for WooCommerce Compatibility Reply To: Offers for WooCommerce Compatibility

Andrew K Angell

We seem to be hitting a bit of a snag with the full integration of Offers into the WC Vendors front-end dashboard. It seems the necessary hooks we would need to do this properly are not available. Here is the information from my developer:

We were able to add a “Manage Offers” menu item to the front end dashboard, but we do not see any hook available to properly inject our list of offers in this area. They have used static code to display these portions of the dashboard with no hooks. We need a hook in the file /wcvendors-pro/public/class-wcvendors-pro-dashboard.php around line 188 where they are displaying the contents for all the menu items.

Is this something you guys could get done for us in an update of your plugin, or is there something already in place that we’re missing? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!