Home Forums WC Vendors Pro Support WC Vendors PRO: Updates

NOTICE: We've Moved to a Ticket System for Support

As of August 31, 2017 (12am EST) our support forums will be retired (read-only), and we will be moving to a support ticket system.  This will allow us to better organize and answer support requests, and provide a more personalized experience as we assist our customers.

For the time being, we will leave our forums open for reading and learning while we work on creating a more robust Knowledge Base for everyone to use.

If you are a WC Vendors Pro customer please open a support ticket here. 

If you are a WC Vendors user please open a support ticket on the Wordpress.org forums.

The information on this forum is outdated and in most instances no longer relevant. Please be sure to check our documentation for the most up to date information.


Thank you to all of our customers!


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  • #40118

    Version 1.3.5 – 15th August 2016
    * Fixed: Store defaults not applied if no product override #442
    * Fixed: Shipping checkboxes not loading values in admin area
    * Fixed: Missing translated strings
    * Added: New dashboard page nav filters for overriding the navigation


    PRO 1.3.6 released August 21, 2016
    Read all about it here:
    Welcome to WC Vendors Pro v1.3.6

    * Added: Orders page options to disable table data and actions #359
    * Added: Vendor tools on single product page #334
    * Added: Multi Word Tags support via options #163
    * Added: Tool to import commission overrides for vendors and products
    * Added: GPL notice and support information
    * Fixed: Check if terms page is set when processing application on new installs
    * Fixed: Save fields for pending vendors also
    * Fixed: Shop header: phone number in wrong spot #449
    * Fixed: Sass not compiling
    * Fixed: Dashboard permalink flushed correctly on activation
    * Fixed: Remove debug code from template #446
    * Fixed: International shipping settings issues #445
    * Fixed: Trusted Vendor, Verified, etc. selections in admin are not saving #444
    * Fixed: Fall back to free commission overrides for products and vendors if not imported into pro yet #440
    * Fixed: Inherit Free’s Commission Structure for global setttings #414
    * Fixed: Activation error if post type doesn’t exist.
    * Fixed: Undefined value warning on dashboard
    * Fixed: Shipping checkboxes not loading values in admin area

    * Templates Updated:


    Version 1.3.7 – 29th September 2016

    * Added: Jquery datetimepicker ui to front end
    * Added: Placeholders for the product description and short description
    * Added: Filters to all file include paths for non template overrides by developers #400
    * Updated: Replaced date picker with jquery-ui-datepicker fixing #466 #459
    * Updated: Portuguese translations thanks Elsa!
    * Fixed: Commission fee product override not saving value #477
    * Fixed: Country rate shipping commission only giving 1 #472
    * Fixed: Hide “export order to CSV” on dashboard/orders now obeys free capability #469
    * Fixed: Can’t edit draft if edit live product is disabled #463
    * Fixed: Move shipping fields into template #456
    * Fixed: Vendor terms incorrect link on application page #452
    * Fixed: Incorrect text domain for some inputs
    * Fixed: Use WordPress date format for date picker on dashboard
    * Fixed: Report issue with reversed commissions.
    * Fixed: Errors saving products with grouped products disabled on the form.
    * Fixed: Remove font family from main style sheet
    * Fixed: Method get_orders2 in class WCVendors_Pro_Vendor_Controller produces an invalid SQL

    * Templates Updated:


    Version 1.3.8 – November 2016

    Added: wcv_dashboard_nav_class filter to add a css class to dashboard nav
    Added: Show order status to vendors and removed order actions on refunded or cancelled orders #490
    Added: New license and update system
    Added: Action Hook(s) for product-edit Media Uploader area #487
    Added: Admin css class names for shipping fields
    Fixed: References to depreciated function calls
    Fixed: Refresh Page; Feedback / Rating is submitted again. #488
    Fixed: Coupon checkbox selection after edit/save #489
    Fixed: Typo in tracking providers #485
    Fixed: Address info still showing despite permissions selection #480
    Fixed: Undefined variable reference on new template store settings template
    Fixed: Commission fee product override not saving value #477


    Version 1.3.9 – 24th January 2016

    * Added: Indicate if a product is out of stock on pro dashboard #500
    * Added: Error message to store name #509
    * Added: Action hook ‘wcv_before_product_type’ in product-edit form
    * Added: New filters for product row labels categories and tags #502
    * Updated: License notice for dev/staging sites #522
    * Fixed: Updated variations to use new download file code
    * Fixed: Installer activation code not running #526
    * Fixed: A Product’s Featured “status” is removed after editing in Pro Dashboard #523
    * Fixed: Downloadable files and attachment ID sync issues #518
    * Fixed: Possible XSS from Vendors #527
    * Fixed: Duplicate wp-admin menu item #513
    * Fixed: Pinterest link is missing a double-quote #521
    * Fixed: Tooltip with no tip #514
    * Fixed: Attributes not selected for variations showing in variations #519
    * Fixed: Filter Typo #520
    * Fixed: Multi Select limited for tags: when this method is used, tags are not saved to the product #505
    * Fixed: Product level override is not working if store default is set to: Int’l Disabled. #499
    * Fixed: Add plugin page is full of errors and unusable. #508


    Version 1.4.1 – 10th April 2017

    * Fixed: Duplicate Product is not working #559
    * Fixed: Add Product, Save Draft, Save Changed, Save Draft Buttons are not working #558


    Version 1.4.2 – 19th April 2017

    * Fixed: CSV upload date range is not applying. #544
    * Fixed: Shipping Shows No Methods Available #564
    * Fixed: Order Export: fatal error #565
    * Fixed: Order Status Strings are not translatable
    * Fixed: Modified vendor controller to allow views plugin to work
    * Fixed: Incorrect version number constant
    * Fixed: Orders & Coupons Page (Pro Dashboard) Blank if Vendor has Orders #563
    * Fixed: Vendor Coupons are showing error; not functioning #560


    Version 1.4.3 – 27th April 2017

    Fixed: Duplicate Product “save changes” button does not work for Variable Product #573
    Fixed: Shipping Funds Allocated to the Admin Instead of the Vendor #571 (requires wc vendors free update also)
    Fixed: Older Variable Products Shipping is incorrect; Cart shows Admin as Vendor #567
    Fixed: Shipping info display on single product page
    Fixed: External products don’t save #569
    Fixed: Non functioning required field code for shipping tab
    Fixed: Checkout Fatal Error #568


    Version 1.4.4 – 1st July 2017

    * Added: More actions to product edit forms for extensions to hook into as requested
    * Added: Store category widget
    * Added: Support for text area in form generator
    * Added: Product template meta box to wp-admin product edit screen
    * Added: Template to filter arguments to allow filtering by template loaded
    * Added: Actions before and after every form field #403
    * Added: Vendor Store Search Widget #10
    * Added: Sanitize value method to form builder
    * Added: Show descriptions on check boxes for form generator
    * Added: Ability to debug license issues
    * Updated: Use new class logger
    * Updated: Updated license client file library
    * Fixed: Update output for details
    * Fixed: Incorrect field definitions
    * Fixed: Store Shipping Address in admin is not saving entries #594
    * Fixed: Admin Store Settings: New 1.4 Shipping Options Not Hidden When Checked #589
    * Fixed: Custom taxonomies in product controller saving incorrectly
    * Fixed: Price tooltip number formatting
    * Fixed: Tax totals showing incorrectly in order details
    * Fixed: Free shipping product override for international flat rate not working
    * Fixed: Max qty per product bug on international flat rate
    * Fixed: Id references for new actions in form helper
    * Fixed: QTY selection in Country Table Rate moves after Save #585
    * Fixed: File reference in internal logging system
    * Fixed: index error on front and admin area
    * Fixed: Show taxes on dashboard if give tax enabled thanks Daman
    * Fixed: Order Details has Incorrect display of commission if Variable Product(s) in the order #583
    * Fixed: Admin cannot change & update vendor phone number (Store Address) #579
    * Fixed: Lock new products for vendor bugs
    * Fixed: Double slash in custom product edit templates on product page
    * Fixed: Form helper unix time validator
    * Fixed: License http://www.wcvendors.com detection issue on some servers
    * Fixed: Fatal error on wp-admin product page for shipping
    * Fixed: Fatal Error on single product page #577
    * Fixed: Pro Dashboard Add Product Quick Link Has Double // #575
    * Fixed: Private Listing Selection is not functioning #574
    * Fixed: Shipping Funds Allocated to the Admin Instead of the Vendor #571
    * Fixed: Fatal error on wp-admin product page for ratings
    * Fixed: Warnings on custom meta keys
    * Fixed: Added extra checks for deleted orders and incorrect commission status
    * Fixed: Stop showing label for hidden form fields

    * Templates Updated:
    * Templates Added:


    Version 1.4.5 – 1st September, 2017

    Added: Prefix support to logging to make tracking logs easier
    Added: Allow admin to create coupons for a vendor store #605
    Added: Vacation Mode to User Edit screen #537
    Added: Unique Ids to submit buttons for different forms
    Added: New actions for before and after forms
    Added: Give each save button a unique ID.
    Added: Scroll erroring field into view when form validation fails thanks bporcelli.
    Fixed: If “Max shipping” threshold is reached, taxes are still collected for 0 shipping amount. #625
    Fixed: Admin User address fields : Illegal string warnings #621
    Fixed: Coupon Usage Restriction Check boxes are not functioning #620
    Fixed: Some Shipping fields are not displaying on the vendor sign up form #619
    Fixed: Product Form Gallery Showing All Site Images #618
    Fixed: Upsells, Cross Sells labels are not showing on Product add/edit form #622
    Fixed: Tag label is not showing in product add/edit form #617
    Fixed: Disabled debuggin in shipping gateway
    Fixed: Maximum shipping charged (per vendor) in admin is not working/applied #609
    Fixed: Incorrect product id reference
    Fixed: Only show store category widget on woocommerce pages
    Fixed: Store Category Widget now works in single product page
    Fixed: Translation is not applying to some strings #614
    Fixed: Free Shipping Product Level Override shows default rate on product page #610
    Fixed: QTY checkbox selection for Country Table Rate does not save #606
    Fixed: Removed license http://www.wcvendors.com disable due to hosting issues with managed hosts #601
    Fixed: If “Charge Once” is checked, Free Shipping settings ignored (multiple of the same product) #598
    Fixed: Shipping address illegal offset problem
    Fixed: FedEx tracking is not formatting correctly for emails #597
    Fixed: Admin options Product Form- Variations hide SKU results in variations not being saved #595
    Fixed: Submit Feedback form page order status is showing date/time of order #604
    Templates Updated:

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